CHA: "Hunters in the Snow"
In memory of Pieter Bruegel painting exhibition devoted to "Hunters in the Snow", the official opening which will be held tonight at the CHA
Today, 19 December, at 16.00 in the Central House of Artists (23rd hall) will be opening the exhibition "" Hunters in the Snow. " In memory of Pieter Bruegel ».
value of art by Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1525-1569) is not limited to its influence on Flemish painting, but goes beyond its time. By a desire to honor the memory of 440-anniversary of his death, the artists close to him in spirit, sharing the irony and philosophical meaning of his works, continue research in this direction, thinking about the eternal and the momentary, tragic and farcical small, in fact, time interval, called life.
At the exhibition, landscape, genre, portrait, still life, seen through the prism of his contemporaries creative perception of Pieter Bruegel. Thus the organizers of the exhibition show the influence of the great Dutches on the history of Russian culture, reflected in the work of our contemporaries. Each artist takes a similar motivation for themselves and their creative processes.
Alexei Smirnov Resurrection depicts market scenes, village holidays, far from good men, blind, and, of course, hunters in the snow. His paintings are interesting to look at: the background is registered to the smallest detail. In villages and small towns, as in the old days in the Netherlands - all of life outside.
Maestro snow processions Vitaly Ermolaev, in addition to landscape composition with scenes of hunting, presents a portrait of the Master. His work is distinguished by refined humor, intelligent songs, the polyphony of the color palette.
Dina Eltseva depicts proverbs, village scenes, children's games and amusements, razukrashivaya their colorful fabrics in bright colors, primitive relatives Croatian Ivan GENERALIC .
enormous vitality, energy and power permeated the work of the founder of the Vladimir school of painting, People's Artist of Russia Kim Britova . His celebratory Pancake songs and dances and mummers are close in spirit to the peasant holidays great predecessor.
Sergei Belov in his usual manner obmanok represents the modern working on the background of the endless winter landscape. His picture-puzzle paradox, thought-provoking, give rise to numerous associations.
accuracy of drawing and coloring brevity Bruegel - school, which focuses Petersburg artist Nikolai Kirillov. Works of genius for the predecessor of our contemporary and a source of pleasure and a stimulus to their own creativity.
Sergei Volkov has built his world, real and unreal at the same time, dissenting, with their own specific perspective. Recognizable architectural structures in Moscow in his works as if they moved.
Andrey Dubov is considering creation Bruegel through the prism of domestic realist school of painting, introducing winter landscapes with an openwork lace tree branches.
surrealist Michael Gorshunov comes from the work of Bosch and Bruegel in his metaphysical visions, depicting hybrid monsters and fantastic creatures.
Works Catherine Yastrebova , more enlightened and life-affirming, describes a rigorous, scrupulous manner of performance.
Ilya Kaverznev exhibits a copy of "Hunters in the Snow", created in the Vienna Museum of Art.
The exhibition runs until January 10, 2010.
Source : Press Release CHA
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