Art Investment


BRITOV Kim Nikolaevich

8 января 1925 (village, Sobinka, Vladimir province) — 5 января 2010 (Vladimir)

Painter, graphic artist

he spent his Childhood in Kovrov. The participant of the great Patriotic war (1943-1945); was wounded. He studied at the Mstera vocational school (1945-1947, did not graduate) Р. М. Чеснокова, К. И. Мозина. In 1948-1955 studied at the art Studio Н. П. Сычева in Vladimir.

he Lived in Vladimir. Worked primarily as a landscape painter. The author of the paintings: "Winter day in Vladimir" (1950), "Skiers" (1952, together with И. Н. Марковым), "Early spring" (1955, option — 1960), "September" (1957), "The Golden gates of ancient Vladimir" (1958), "Spill on the river Klyazma" (1958), March (1960), "Bazaar in Pereslavl" (1963), "New Vladimir" (1964), "Sunny day", 1966), "Blue spring" (1967) and others.

From 1947 — participant of the exhibition (art exhibition of fine art dedicated to the 30th-летию October Socialist revolution, Vladimir). A member of the Union of artists of the USSR (1954), the Chairman of the Vladimirskiy branch of the Union of artists (1956-1965). Participated in exhibitions: works of artists of the RSFSR (1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957), all-Union art exhibitions (1957, 1961, 1967), Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960, 1967), "In unison" (1964), works of artists of Vladimir, Mstera, Goose-Хрустального (1964) in Moscow; works by artists of the Vladimir region (oblast; 1948, 1949, 1957, 1961, 1964), artists works dedicated to the 850th-летию Vladimir (1958) in Vladimir and other. Total attended by more than 240 выставках in our country and abroad. The first personal exhibition of the artist was held in 1975 (Vladimir), 2000-2009 прошли personal exhibition in Moscow, Vladimir, Plyos, etc.

from 1997 To 2003 he taught at the art-графическом the faculty of the Volgograd state pedagogical University, Professor.

60 лет creative activity has created more than 3000 работ.

Honored artist of the RSFSR (1978), people's artist of Russia (1995); laureate of regional award in the sphere of culture, art and literature (1995) and prize. И. Левитана (2005); awarded the Gold medal of the Academy of arts of Russia (1997) and the Pushkin Gold medal (2000); Honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir (2003).

Personal (posthumous) exhibition was held in Vladimir (2010, 2012).

the Father of the artist Н. К. Бритовой.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, State Russian Museum, State Vladimir-Суздальский historical-архитектурный and art Museum-заповедник, Novokuznetsk art Museum, the Mordovian Republican Museum of fine arts. С. Д. Эрьзи and others.

See. about К. Н. Бритове: "the Exhibition Kim Nikolayevich Britova".


1. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, т. 2. С. 70.

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