Art Investment

"Fathers and Sons" at the Scientific Research Museum of Russia Academy of Arts

The Scientific Research Museum of Russia Academy of Arts opened the exhibition "Fathers and Sons", dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of the remarkable St. Petersburg masters Peter Timofeevich Fomin and Vyacheslav Frantsevich Zagoneka

in the Research Museum of Art Academy of Russia (St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 17) opened the exhibition "Fathers and Sons", dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of the remarkable St. Petersburg Masters Peter Timofeevich Fomina and Vyacheslav Frantsevich Zagoneka . In addition to the artistic works of these authors, the exhibition will present works of their sons, teachers of the St. Petersburg Academic Institute. Repin, Nikita Petrovich Fomina and Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Zagoneka.

In the biographies P. T. Fomin and VF Zagoneka lot in common: they both have in childhood, had been willing to creativity, the two fought, and after returning from the war, studied at the Academy of Arts - the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Repin. After many years, both artists were given to teaching. Artists belong to the same generation. Migrated tests began in his youth for them to experience in life that shapes the person laying the foundations of world perception and becomes an inexhaustible source of creative inspiration.

Serving the art was for them not only a matter of life, but example for the younger generation. Nikita Petrovich, Vladimir V. Fomin Zagonek also graduates of the Institute. Repin and his current teachers. That they have a plan of the exhibition. In Raphael, Titian and Ekaterinenskom halls of the museum will be represented by one hundred and fifty paintings from the family collections and from the State Russian Museum. Viewers will also see the unique documents and photographs from family archives.

In Raphael Hall Museum will present works of Peter Timofeevich Fomin (1919-1996). The artist turned to different genres - from a portrait to the historical and everyday pictures. But the deeper philosophical essence of art P. T. Fomina forcefully revealed in Russian lyrical landscape. In simple, everyday motif of the artist can see and pass discreet beauty of the native land. Landscapes Fomina cover all facets of the genre: the coast and the northern village, central Russian fields and forests, industrial landscape and architecture of St. Petersburg, canals of Venice and the beauty of old Russian cities. Fomin paid great attention to scenic texture, depending on the nature of nature, used various methods of painterly canvas. Some landscapes are written in small, merging strokes, in others - Hull posited paint enhances the expression of the selected motif. Whole life of PT Fomina - tremendous hard work: work with nature and in the studio, exhibitions, educational activities. Many of his students became well-known artists. Yet the main result of his life - light, lyrical works.

apparent continuity of traditions, despite the difference in creative ways, evident in the exhibition presented the works of Nikita Petrovich Fomina. Distinctive feature of his work is the desire for a clear, structuring the canvas, combined with gravity to realistic traditions of Russian landscape painting. His works have a clear architectonics, they are distinguished by selectivity motif, the precise use of color. Art works organically reveal the emotional start, with some complex combination of landscapes can be seen clearly in his certainty figure, silhouette and simultaneously moving the picturesque "fragility" forms. Being constantly searching, wondering and doubting, as "painting - is a reflection with a brush in his hand, he seeks to express its particular perception of reality. Regardless of where he creates his works - in St. Petersburg, Paris, Pskov, Venice or Rome, he continues to be the St. Petersburg artists, within the meaning of the word, which houses the professional excellence and in-depth comprehension of pictorial culture of their predecessors.

In Titian Hall will display works of Vyacheslav Frantsevich Zagoneka (1919-1994) from the artist's family and the State Russian Museum ( "Morning", 1958-1960, "storm has passed, 1960-1961 , "Flowering bird cherry tree", 1962-1964). His paintings recreate the poetic image of our recent history - 1950-80-ies. The main genre of creativity Zagoneka during his lifetime, many critics consider landscape. The artist himself did not agree with this opinion. And though his deep, very strong sense of originality beauty of nature truly defines the charm of the master paintings, many of his paintings the main role belongs to the heroes of his time, the viewer sees through their eyes, their images inspired by scenes of peasant labor, everyday life. Staying in the typical style of the achievements of Russian painting 1960-70-ies, paintings VF Zagoneka draw "their own restless, a little edgy rhythm, and harmony of bright colors, as well as several decorative both graphically and language. "In his pictures - say an artist - I always wanted to convey my admiration for how to ever-changing nature of my homeland, and in front of my contemporaries - a man of labor, I wanted to convey its inextricable link with nature, its spiritual beauty. I'm always looking for the poetic side of the reality of the multilateral ».

in the Catherine Hall of the museum visitors will be submitted to the attention of artistic works of Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Zagoneka. Following his father's legacy in art, but at the same time to go through a separate artistic - these two factors largely determined the diversity of artistic interests of the artist and his search for his pictorial language. In the 1980's B. Zagonek turned to still life, which still remains his favorite genre. It is a still life painter seeks to solve the trade problems that trouble him today, it viewed a kind of "construction" of composition, an unusually emotional richness of the picturesque building products and plastic components of the relationship still life subjects. In the artist's works a lot of old things - energy storage and custodians of the past. Chinese fans, pearl shells, copper jugs, musical instruments - all these props are deeply symbolic, and bears the mark of history. In these studies, using the rich features of the picturesque language, texture technique, the artist achieves the difficult task of creating a mysterious magical world of animate and inanimate nature, making the precious painting, when it seems woven from the subtle color nuances.

In the conception of the exhibition have no idea of comparison. It demonstrates the continuity of the traditions of the Petersburg school of painting, despite differences in methods of work, the artistic language and creative worldview.

The exhibition is open until December 20, 2009.


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