Watercolors by Boris Messerer Center and Museum Nicholas Roerich
Today at the International Center-Museum Nicholas Roerich exhibition opens, which first introduces visitors to the school watercolor Boris Messerer, the brilliant set designer and painter, great graphics
Today, September 7, at the International Center-Museum Nicholas Roerich exhibition called «Boris Messerer. Watercolors ». The exhibition acquaints visitors with the first school of watercolor Boris Messerer, the brilliant set designer and painter, great graphics.
Boris Asafovich Messerer - People's Artist of Russia, Full Member Russia Academy of Arts, twice winner of the Russia State Prize, the president of Association of Artists of Theater, Film and Television in Moscow, a member of the Union of Artists, the Union of Cinematographers, the Union of Designers and the Union of theatrical figures.
Boris Messerer from the talented and daring generation of the sixties, which invaded in literature, theater, visual arts, to save them from the shackles of official canon.
Creative Studio Boris Messerer has outgrown the value of everyday workplace of the artist. «Cook, 20» - is not just a Moscow address, but an informal Academy of Arts, an alliance of literature, fine arts and music. It is no accident Workshop Messerer was the cradle of the almanac «Metropol», with the release of which was attended by writers Vasily Aksenov, Andrei Bitov, Fazil Iskander, Bella Akhmadulina, Vladimir Vysotsky, Viktor Erofeev, and others.
Messerer came to the theater to freely build there his scenic architecture. He was one of the few successors of classical theater and decorative arts.
originality of talent and specificity of artistic vision Boris Messerer evident in his passion for watercolor. With a completely unique manner of writing, here as in other areas of his work, he made much of the thematic and genre diversity.
Boris Messerer of his watercolors: «I am - the student Artur Vladimirovich Fonvizin, a wonderful watercolor painter. All my life I worked in watercolor, but never tell anyone it did not show, because watercolor - this is the Impressionist vision of the world. And we, the artists have a certain software in his work, when to do more work. Not always coincide with the Impressionist vision programmatically profound ideas and monumental compositions, while I lived interest in working with nature, which may be the cleanest in the artist ».
include watercolor landscapes created by the artist, distinguished by the nature of impressionistic images and lyrical in mood types Tarusa illustrating poems Bella Akhmadulina and overlapping with an equally lyrical portraits of the masters of the Muses.
Still Life Messerer filled with objects which, as nature of this genre are not used, it seems, is no: bottles, boards, saws, axes, kerosene lamps, irons, old boxes. However, it generally gives the impression of not piling up rubbish, as if pulled out from a dusty attic, and is recognized as a metaphor for abandonment, homelessness, lost souls, not only things but people, many aspects of our lives. The images leave a wonderfully nostalgic feeling of the passing epoch, acquiring high philosophical sense.
Boris Messerer exhibition of watercolors at the Museum Nicholas Roerich continued his series of solo exhibitions, held in 2008-2009 at the Central House of Architects, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Federation Council, and acquaints the viewer with a new face talent, great master.
collection on display for the first time.
The exhibition runs until September 30.
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