Exhibition “This shadowy object of art” in Venice
Today in the parallel program of the Venice Biennale in the museum Ka'Retstsoniko Stella Art Foundation exhibition shows “This shadowy object of art. Russian Art 1975-2005 biennium. from the collection of Stella Art Foundation ”
Stella Art Foundation, in collaboration with the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia in the parallel program of the Venice Biennale 2009 presents the exhibition «This shadowy object of art», Vladimir Levashova curatorial project. The exhibition opens at one of the most beautiful palaces in Venice, the museum Ka'Retstsoniko. The exposition will include about 70 works by renowned Russian artists from the collections of Stella Art Foundation, including works by Yuri Albert , Ivan Chuikov , Ilya and Emilia Kabakov , Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid , Boris Orlov , Anatoly Anatoly Osmolovsky and Alexander Ponomarev, who in the exhibition will present a draft SubTiziano. Landscape installation SubTiziano - this submarine surfacing in the historic center of Venice in the Grand Canal. It will continue to draft Alexander Ponomarev with submarines (1996-2009), entitled «Recycling flocks». The exhibition will be open to the public from 6 June to 5 October and will be one of the most significant projects of parallel programs in the 53rd Venice Biennale.
art Russian art emerged and developed in a dual cultural isolation: in the closed from the outside world and the country in the form of underground art in the Soviet art system. Hence - the uniqueness of its structure, strategies, and shaping. As the leak, is the art of thought themselves an integral part of the world. As a complex and controversial, at international exhibitions, it reprezentirovalos extremely simplistic. In Soviet times - as one naively humanistic impulse to political and artistic freedom, after the restructuring - as a symbol of the democratization of art post-totalitarian countries, the critical thinking of its own past and present.
The curator of the exhibition Vladimir Levashov presents a new view on the Russian art of the late XX - early XXI century: «I think that now is the time to reflect and re-structured forms of art that existed the past 30 years in Russia. Our project is an alternative to the usual practice, the attempt to create one of the possible "self" Russian art of the 1970's - 2000's, which shows him as slozhnoustroenny, "hazy" object ».
Despite all the violent transformation of the post-perestroika times, the alternate Russian art preserves the memory of its source, the unique conditions of their formation in the pozdnesovetskoy culture. One of the basic properties of the latter was the book-, literature-centric, implying a deep symbolism of visual imagery. Another - a synthesis of traditionalism and radical proektnosti consistently reproducing because antievolyutsionnogo the type of national history. And if you consider this duality not as a birth defect of the national art, but as a source of strength and originality, then we are a very special, very exciting prospect of his contemplation.
The first version of the was shown in October - November 2008 in Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna . Venice version changes the focus, switching attention from the public «content» of the art to intricately related «form», its internal structures. The exhibition shows contemporary Russian art as the practice of constructing multiple worlds, weaving endless stories . In the narrative flow of blurred boundaries between authors and their characters, fantastically grouped stories and myths of diverse origin, connected pieces of text and visual images.
List of artists represented at the exhibition «This shadowy object of art»: Yuri Yuri Albert , Yuri Yuri Avvakumov , Vagrich Bahchanyan , Gutov , Alexander Djikia, Helen Elagina , Vadim Vadim Zakharov , Stargazer , Ilya and Emilia Kabakov , Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid , Vadim Kosmachev , Alexander Kosolapov , Vladislav Mamyshev (Monro) , Boris Boris Orlov , Osmolovsky Anatoly , Alexander Ponomarev, Dmitry Prigov , Rezun-Zvezdochetova , Leonid Sokov , Leonid Tishkov , Gor Chahal , Ivan Chuikov.
Press Preview Exhibition will be held today, June 3, from 10.00 to 15.00, and 4-5 June from 10.00 to 17.00.
The exhibition is open to visitors from 6 June to 5 October 2009, from 10.00 to 17.00, cash registers open until 16.00.
Source: press release Stella Art Foundation
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