Art Investment

Russian Avant-Garde in Italy

In the Italian town of Como opened an exhibition of Russian avant-garde, which presents works by Vasily Kandinsky, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich and Paul Filonov

Italian town of Como, located on the shores of the same lake, has recently opened an exhibition of Russian avant-garde. The exhibition features masterpieces Vasily Vasily Kandinsky , Marc Chagall , Kazimir Kazimir Malevich and Paul Filonov , created in the period from 1900 until the early 1930's. Total visitors can see 80 works from the major Russian museums (including the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg) and private collections: paintings, executed in oil and tempera, as well as drawings.

The exhibition, prepared by the curators gedi Sergio (Sergio Gaddi) and Eugenia Petrova, with the support of the divisions of culture and the city of Como region of Lombardy, is housed in the Villa Olmo building, built in 1782. For several decades, Villa belongs to the city of Como and is a cultural center. There were exhibition Magritte, Miro, Picasso. Its rooms are decorated with murals and sculptural reliefs. Before decoration exhibition was a difficult task - to write works of Russian avant-garde early XX century in the interiors of the late XVIII century. And they are well managed.

The most interesting exhibits presented at the exhibition could be called abstract paintings by Kandinsky, written in the years 1915-1919, including «Two oval» and «Overture», as well as two paintings on glass « Rider »and« Horseman on the hill ».

On display are more than 20 works by Malevich different periods. Among them, «Relax (Society cylinders)» (1908), «Self-portrait» (1910), «Red Square» (1915) and the «head of a peasant» (1928-1929), became the emblem of this exhibition.

Marc Chagall will be presented at the exhibition «Self-portrait in front of easels» (1914), «The Red Jew» (1915) and «Mirror» (1915).

full of sensuality and mysticism works of Paul Filonov, widely recognized in Russia and the less well-known abroad, will, inter alia, the work «Peasant Family» (1914).

The exhibition is open until 26 July.

material produced Catherine Onuchin


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