Art Investment

«Gunter Sachs. Photographer and collector »- in Tsaritsyno

24 March Tsaritsyno open exhibition, which will acquaint visitors with the life and work of the photographer and collector of Gunter Sachs
  • Gunter Zaks

«I think I should not have been photographed at all. I have not attended any photography classes, I was not a disciple of an eminent photographer. Frankly, I never was a professional photographer. I just started taking pictures one day ... »

C on 24 March to 7 June in GMZ «Tsaritsyno» within the framework of the festival «Fashion and Style in Photography» exhibition will be held to discuss the outstanding personality Gunter Sachs - the artist and collector, discovered the German Andy Warhol, and Europe -- Claudia Schiffer. In the exhibition entitled «Gunter Sachs. Photographer and collector », includes archival photos and films, as well as works from the collection of Gunter Sachs and photos, created by them.

life for the sake of art and shooting

Gunter Sachs observed changes in the art that have taken place over the past 50 years, from all possible angles, and experienced them more than anyone else: he began to collect contemporary art (the new realists, formal art, pop art), while when they can say nobody is interested. Almost ten years he was president of the Munich Museum of Modern Art. He opened a gallery at Milhshtrasse in Hamburg, where the first exhibition of Andy Warhol in Europe. And over the past three decades, he has managed to create a significant body of photographic works. Surreal, original, and above all aesthetic photographic compositions have made it over the past 25 years, one of the most prominent figures in the field of art photography of our time.

Love shooting found in Gunter Sachs in the early college years, when he experimented with black and white photography. Nevertheless, before the image of his photographs have been locked in his moving picture went all around the world. In 1963-1968, it had dropped six short films that were shown in the cinemas of Germany as a prominent band and participated in international festivals, which won high awards.

In 1969 came his first documentary film «happening in white», which included time-lapse images, there had not previously encountered. He first took advantage of the camera that is able to withdraw 12 000 frames per second (at that time-lapse cameras were used, removing the entire 96 frames per second). The new cameras were developed by the legendary samoletostroitelem Marcel Dassault, in collaboration with Bell & Howell to capture the trajectory of bullets fired from a fighter «Mirage».

In a hospital in the Canton of Zurich Gunter Sachs has also used the camera that can shoot ultrafast movement of viruses. None of these scientific tools was not available then the filmmakers. With the permission of Dassault Gunter Sachs handed system of time-lapse knew his American film, was filmed in a time feature film «Le Mans» with Steve McQueen and the German actor Siegfried Rauch. Scenic pictures of accidents racing car, made in sverhzamedlennom mode, became a sensation, and saved the film from the failure of that other to him.

From this moment sverhmedlennye shooting began to appear in nearly every western fighters. A «happening in white» won first prize in the International Olympic Committee Cortina d'Ampetstso in 1972.

Gunter Sachs, however, also aware that the film industry consistently produces more high technical requirements, which considerably limits the freedom of the artist. Therefore, it is away from the cinema and turned to photography, his love for the shooting remains, but the picture is now fixed.

The phenomenal rise of his worldwide fame as a photographer began in 1971 when he did fashion photography for magazines and advertising campaigns ( «Bally», «Polaroid», «De Sede», «Kastrol»), he published in art magazines and made the famous «very first nude photo» for the French edition of the magazine VOGUE. His first public success was the special exhibition at PHOTOKINA'74, it was decorated with pictures and the official festival poster. Then there were numerous exhibitions in museums and galleries in Salzburg, Dusseldorf, Bremen, Vienna, Aachen, Stockholm, Berlin, Paris and New York, Zurich gallery «Nikon» and cultural center in Munich, Am Gasteig.

Soon there were very successful book of photographs. One of them - a book of photographs «T '» - into the front pages of newspapers in 1987. With his model Таней Gunter Sachs documented in photographs the journey around the world for 28 days from Arizona to Egypt, Kenya, and further the Seychelles, and then published them in a book. The book sold out in just a few days. The profit of around 1.5 million DM from the sale of this book, has been transferred to the fund of his wife, Miri, to help children in need.

Photographic Union Gunter Sachs and Claudia Schiffer also curious public. In 1991, Gunter Sachs has created a series of photographs «Heroines» with the participation of Claudia Schiffer - German Brigitte Bardot, the series has later shown in many international exhibitions.

His attempts to improve the technical picture, however, remained almost unnoticed. Sachs, as a graduate of the University, with specialty «Mathematics», in 1994, has developed, for example, the formula for the calculation of «values lubricating», that is artificially created by photographic methods fuzziness of moving objects. This formula, published in the journal «PHOTOS», allows to calculate the exact length of trails spread over, say, a car carrier.

Being at the forefront of the development of photography, Gunter Sachs discovered the possibility of digital photography as a kind of computer art, and held the first exhibition of photographs «computer tracks» the huge size of Kittsbyuhele in 1995. This was followed by sensational exhibition of more than 200 pictures in Rome. In those days, the number of song caused a stormy reaction. Today they have become generally accepted and important part of photography as art.

photographer Gunter Sachs has always attracted unusual places. A place for his extraordinary exhibitions in recent years have been avant-garde interiors of the new airport in Munich, the arch of an old Palazzo in Taormina in Sicily, a production plant in the former shoe factory Pirmazense.

«Man sets of talents, one of the most versatile people of our time», - as one journalist described the entrepreneur, fashion designer, kinodokumentalista, collector of art and highly popular author Gunter Sachs to celebrate its 70 anniversary. He commended all the profits from his artistic pursuits to children in need and is in the advisory board of the Institute of Biological Research Solka. Among other things, the photographer, as a few other, teach our vision, promotes the perception and imagination. Whether it is images of the real world or the generation of the computer, his work has always enriched the imagination, playful and open to the most appealing to our innermost thoughts.

Gunter Sachs. Formation of the artist

1952-1955 created a black and white photos during the pilot study in Lausanne.

1955-1958 started to gather a collection of modern art, which later gained worldwide fame (the new realism, non-art and pop art, surrealism).

1963-1968 The producer and operator of four documentaries, all of whom were highly rated and have won two top awards at the festival in San Sebastian and Yere.

1972 film «happening in white» won first prize in the International Olympic Committee, Cortina-d'Ampetstso.

1965-1972 President of the Museum of Modern Art in Munich.

1972 Gallery Opening at Milhshtrasse in Hamburg with the first exhibition of Andy Warhol in Europe.

1974 honorary award for a special exhibit PHOTOKINA'74. Finished the first official poster PHOTOKINA. Publication of a book of photographs «Girls in my eyes» (Mädchen in meinen Augen).

1981 publication of a book of photographs «Pictures light» (Licht 'Bilder).

1982 awarded «Lake».

1987 publication of a book of photographs «T` surreal stories and photos »(T'Surreale Erzählungen und Photographien), which earned more than 1.4 million German marks for Mirja Sachs Foundation, to help children in need.

1991 For six weeks, a series of artistic photos with the Claudia Schiffer «Heroines» (Heldinnen). The world premiere of the series was held at the Museum of the Arts Bremen. After this series was shown at many international exhibitions.

1993 realistic and surreal photos (Reale und Surreale Photographien), exhibition in the Kurfürstendamm, Berlin.

1995 was awarded a bronze medal of the Japanese Union for publishing a calendar of artistic photographs. He created the first digital photography with computer composition. Held the first exhibition of avant-garde fotokompozitsy in Munich and Kittsbyuele.

1996 «photographer Gunter Sachs» (Gunter Sachs Fotografo), the author's retrospective at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, who presented more than 200 exhibits. Publication of a book of photographs «photographer Gunter Sachs» (Gunter Sachs Fotografo) publisher SKIRA. «Surrealistic photography photographer Gunter Sachs» (Gunter Sachs Surreale Photographie) - Exhibition at the Museum of German Culture Foundation, Lausanne. He created costumes for the Henry mask, in which he spoke at his last world championship in Munich.

1997 «Gunter Sachs in Taormina» - a special exhibition at Palazzo Duchi di San Stefano, Taormina /Sicily. Entered in the list of «100 contemporary artists universal value» journal «Medicine and the arts».

1998 Advertising computer compositions. «Amazon cloned and surreal picture» (Geklonte Amazonen und Surreale Photographie) - Retrospective at the Museum Noyffer, Pirmazens.

2000-2002 Worked for the journals in their own studios, in advertising.

2003 «Five feelings and sixth» (Die Fünf Sinne und der Sexte), a series of publications in the Italian journal Exces. «Gunter Sachs» - big retrospective at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg.

2004 «Photos Gunter Sachs» (Photographie Gunter Sachs) - Exhibition Gallery of Modern Art, Andreas Baumgartla, Munich.

2005 Exhibition at the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

2007 Exhibition at the National Art Gallery of the State Russian Museum, Kaliningrad.

exhibitions in various museums and galleries, including in Salzburg, Dusseldorf, Bremen, Vienna, Aachen, Wiesbaden, Stockholm, Berlin, Munich and Gallery «Nikon» in Zurich.

Visitors to the exhibition of «Tsaritsyno» will be able to look at the following exhibition halls: Hall of Warhol, Gruo Hall, Blue Room, Computer Room compositions Palace Hotel St. Moritz, Las Vegas, Surrealism, heroin, Tanya Hall, C deco, dark room, romanticism and landscapes, Room New York, New York townhouse.

Source: a press release the exhibition «Gunter Sachs. Photographer and collector »

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