Art Investment

Three life Oscar Rabin

In the State Tretyakov Gallery opens exhibition «Oscar Rabin. Three of life », dedicated to the 80 th anniversary of the artist

Tretyakov Gallery continues the cycle of monographic exhibitions, which returns to the Russian artistic life classics recusancy 1960-1970's, now living outside Russia.

Today at the State Tretyakov Gallery opens exhibition «Oscar Rabin. Three life ». This is the most complete and large-scale retrospective of Oscar Rabin in Russia dedicated to the 80 th anniversary of one of the leaders of Russian unofficial art second half of the twentieth century.

Oscar Yakovlevich Rabin (born 1928) - a significant figure of the Soviet independent culture that has arisen in the era of the thaw, as opposed to formal art. The works of O. Rabin, in the West called «Solzhenitsyn paintings», truthfully and eloquently reflect the mood of society in the 1960's and 1970's. But the artist to this day does not sound valid. In 2006, he has been awarded the State Prize «Innovation» in nomination «For creative contributions to the development of modern art».

An outstanding artist with a deeply personal perception of the world, Oscar Rabin, was behind the recusancy. He was among the organizers of «Lianozovsky Group», established around Yevgenia Kropiwnicki - a painter and poet, who in the years of war has replaced his father early orphaned artist . During the seven years (1958-1965), former camp barrack in Lianozove, where they lived, Oscar Rabin and his wife Valentina Kropiwnicki, a center of attraction for progressive intellectuals. Later, the unofficial center of art moved into an apartment near Preobrazhenskaya Rabin Square in Moscow: there are also arranged exhibitions, poetry evenings and discussions, received a resonance in the West.

around the family life of the Moscow suburb with a «low» omen Soviet material ordinariness, its tragic absurdity of a long time was the theme of creativity Rabin. Landscape, still life, interior - the favorite genres of the artist, which continues the tradition of European expressionism 1920's. In seeking to give the image of socio-critical voice, to emphasize the inhumane environment in which modern man inhabits, Rabin used distorted vision, the principles of the deformation, the violation of scaling relations. In an emotionally rich, yet concise manner Rabin intertwined different styles and artistic techniques of painting introduced elements of collage and assemblage. Dramaturgy works highlight the chronological «milestones», marked by scraps of papers, stickers, labels.

In 1974, Rabin had initiated «Bulldozer» and «Izmailovskaya» exhibitions. Was repeatedly subjected to criticism and attack the Soviet as a result of an ongoing confrontation with the authorities has been accused of parasitism. In the 1978-meters with the approval of the authorities went to a year in France, but was deprived of his Soviet citizenship and forced to stay in Paris. In 1985, O. Rabin was a citizen of France, but in 1990 th Supreme Soviet of the USSR returned to his Soviet citizenship. Already one year later the artist showed his first exhibition in Moscow, while in the West, he began participating in exhibitions since 1960.

During the years of emigration solo exhibitions O. Rabin, has received international recognition, held in Austria, Britain, Norway, the United States, France and Switzerland. Since the beginning of the 1990 Rabin had a permanent presence in the domestic context of art, participating in many major projects.

Paintings Rabin, with its confessional note critical fervor and long has been the subject of private, and then a museum gathering. The first work of Oscar Rabin appeared in the Tretyakov Gallery in 1994 as a gift from the author. Later, in 2000 and 2006, thanks to the artist VN Nemukhin and supported by Moscow Government and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, a collection of Galleries added yet three pictures of Rabin.

The title of the exhibition «Oscar Rabin. Three life »title used an autobiographical book published in 1986 in Paris. The artist divides his destiny, full of deprivation and the tragic events into three stages: youth until 1953, lives in Moscow and Paris. The exposition will include the best canvases O. Rabin, including «passport», «Family Portrait», «Still Life with vodka and herring», collages Paris period and a small section of graphics. In general, exhibited about one hundred works created about half a century.

Vernissage will take place today at 17.30. The exhibition is open from 28 October to 7 December 2008 at the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, 10, room 80-81.

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