Christie's holds online mixed-торги old masters and modern art
Auction called Remastered will take place from 21 to 30 July 2020, in the directory — works created in the period from XVI to XXI centuries
Coming the auction is not the first time will offer participants a catalogue containing a selection of modern art and old masters. One of the most successful examples of mixed trading has already become legendary auction of contemporary art in the fall of 2018, in which, together with the works of Warhol and other artists of the second half of the twentieth century was sold to "the Savior of the world" Leonardo da Vinci.
the growing number of such mixed trading indicates that the separation of art into the traditional categories of collecting is becoming less and less relevant to modern buyers. Karl Hermans, managing Director of Classic Art Group Christie's London, said: "Now, of course, there is a segment of collectors of works of art — hunters trophy who want "the best", not paying much attention to the period of creation of the work".
According to the Act, "in the past the stereotype that collectors of classical art — is fairly conservative and educated people, and collectors of contemporary art have been focusing more on the marketing component of art when the artists are promoted as brands — for example, Gerhard Richter, Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst..." However, he believes that in today's situation, this division has lost relevance: "in which-то sense, the artists of the age old masters such as brands like Warhol or Koons. In any case, Leonardo — greatest artist [and brand] of all."
the Reasons for this shift of boundaries is called, in particular, attempt to bring to market the old masters a new audience and General adaptation to the new conditions of life in the period of the pandemic. Answering the question about how collectors of the old masters responded to the widespread withdrawal of the auction process online, Hermans said, "Among some of our customers there has been some resistance to care from live auctions and traditional print directory... the Period of isolation forced us to move to online-продажам and digital promotion of the lots was very successful. [Pandemic] has transferred us into the future."
a Remastered Auction: Contemporary Art and Old Masters will be opened for rates from 21 to 30 July 2020. About the future and prospects of development of the market of the old masters read in the new the series materials ARTinvestment.RU.
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