Art Investment

The results of the Auction No. 334

9 lots sold for 3 million roubles. Buyers — Moscow, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk and Moscow

334-е the Auction showed a stable result, collecting a total of just over 3 million rubles. The average price of each lot sold this week amounted to more than 330 thousand rubles. Won lots has been viewed over 3 million times, and the total number of bets made on them are very close to two hundred.

Top-лотом this week became the artist's book Les illuminations (Illumination) Arthur Rimbaud, decorated artist of the week Sonia Delaunay, in 1973.

the Company the work of Delaunay, the three leaders made up the song "iris" by Yuri Cooper and the work of "Jack Target" 2011, Vladimir Nemukhin.

deserve a special mention very good results for ceramics — plates "I'm not touched." a sketch of Viktor Pivovarov.

for More detailed results for individual lots, as always, published in the informal private instagram.

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Some price the results of trading on June 19 for the Auction AI, without their 18% PHOTO 1 Sonia DELAUNAY (1885-1979), Les illuminations (Illumination) Arthur Rimbaud. The artist's book. 1973 Price: 1 025 000 PHOTO 2 COOPER Yuriy Leonidovich (1940) iris oil on Canvas, acrylic. 140 × 81 Price: 900 000 3 NEMUKHIN Vladimir Nikolaevich (1925-2016) Jack Target. 2011 acrylic on Canvas, charcoal, blue oil pastels. 65 × 55,5 Price: 375 000 PHOTO 4 PIVOVAROV Viktor Dmitrievich (1937) Plate "Nothing I can't touch". 2007 Porcelain, painting. Ø 30 cm Price: 130 000

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Next, 335-й catalog of the Auction, as always, will be open for bidding Monday, June 22, at noon.

You are waiting for the works of the author of "Pomegranate teahouse" by Alexander Volkov, Konstantin Korovin, Sergei Vinogradov, Alexei Kharlamov, Mikhail Larionov, Nikolai Krymov, Peter Belenok, Dmitry Krasnopevtsev, Alexander Kharitonov and other interesting items.

at the same time opens the auction XXI "XXI century. Contemporary Russian art". In the Dasha Delaunay, Natalia Zhernovskaya, Dmitry Kedrin, Nina Kotel, Alexander Mareev (lim), Andrew Munz, Elizabeth Plavinskaya, Catherine Rozhkov, Vladimir Salnikov, Tatyana Yang.

take care of yourself and be healthy! Waiting for you at online-торгах of the Auction!


We continue to make paintings and drawings (original and lottery) to our regular weekly auctions. About his desire to put the thing on the auction AI write or call: 7 (495) 632-16-81. Rules of submission for auction AI can show sdes.

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