Art Investment

Open 227-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — six paintings, four sheets of original and one — printed graphics, one work, executed in mixed media, and one bronze sculpture

the Catalogue of the Auction № 227

Selected lots of the Auction № 227

Opens a directory traditionally, string landscapes, this time extremely diverse, and the plot, directions, and performance techniques. Subject to the impressions created by the graphic landscape, "Abramtzevo. The Tree" (1921) Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky. In the so-called "Abramtsevo" period of the artist's task was to depict the trees so that they are "not sticking out of the earth", and logically it was grown. This task the artist brilliantly solves in our landscape. Very nice canvas Nikolai Efimovich Timkov "the river" (1963) imbued with light and fresh river air, and in "wild autumn" (2004) Aron froimovich Buch masterfully conveyed the play of colors and shades of the autumn forest.

Three works — is cityscapes: graphic sheet "in Bukhara. The "minaret of death"" (1930) Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov, medium-sized cardboard "Rainy day" (1968) Valery G. kokurina — excellent work of the period which the author himself, a great artist of the Vladimir school, considered the best in his work, and big oil, "Moscow Street" (1973) Noah Nestorovich Gedenidze: we, the editors could not come to a consensus about what is the street however, the artist worked for many years in the workshop on Olkhovskaya, so we can assume that he wrote the embankment of the Yauza where-то nearby.

Close to the architectural landscape and a noble a decorative acrylic "Near the temple" (2010) Boris Petrovich Kocheyshvili.

Early landscape work Anatoly T. Zverev rare@the semicolon one of the top-лотов and a real decoration of our catalogue is its pretty early most beautiful gouache with watercolor "White sun of the" (1961).

In the suburbs of the Japanese quince-только scored buds, and on a large canvas "the Japanese quince. Lights" (2012) contemporary artist-фотореалиста Sergei Andreyevich Geta it blooms in all its amazing and unique beauty and adorns our landscape is vast and diverse selection.

the Next section of the catalogue brings together the holidays and joy. It opens with a very emotional "Moon" (2000) sixties Victor Semyonovich Kazarin. Oil "Tatiana's day" (2010) of Natta Ivanovna Konysheva with the author's comment — Tanya Nazarenko — on the back of the picturepresents us with the feast in the house of one of the famous artist, seen, sharp, ironic kind of a view of another famous artist. Country simple, uncorrupted manners, and a quiet peaceful life, filled with sunlight, washed by pure water, the surface of which flashed green highlights — reflection of trees — appears to be the land of happiness of Arcadia on a large (100 × 120) canvas "of a Friend. Arcadia" (2011) Sergey Bazileva. Canvas "Two Nudes" (1989) Anatoly Stepanovich slepysheva —, it is also, in fact, Arcadia, seen through the eyes of a great master of color, as no one knew how to convey on their canvases the state of freedom and joy.

the Opposite attitude has a expressive cardboard "untitled (Portrait)" (1981) Vladimir Tryamkina, executed in a sophisticated color palette, and space of the viewer, and the depth of the paintings suspended devoid of individuality in the face of a philosopher, has created a strong, tense lines.

Section of lifes small — a small, sleek oil, "untitled (still life with feather)" (1996) Valeria Paton of Danica and a huge canvas in the author's original mixed media "untitled (Tulip)" Yuri Leonidovich Cooper —, striking work, in which the flower floats in a shimmering silver surrounded by — or background, whether of the atmosphere.

Pure abstraction of the catalogue represent colour lithography "Abstract composition" (1967) artist of the Russian Diaspora Andrey Mikhailovich (andré) Lansky and two works by artists-шестидесятников, these masters of the genre — little oil "untitled" (1963) Nicholas Evgenyevich Vechtomova and a large shower cabin composition "untitled (Abstract composition)" (1971) Lydia Alekseevna Masterkova.

is Crowned with a luxurious bronze sculpture "69" Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin clean, simple, elegant.

Those who are going first to buy a painting or drawing, would be helpful to know that no monitor ever authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).

we Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!

Fair market price level on the works of the authors represented in the catalog of this auction can be identified in the information database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU.

the auction AI continues to operate a virtual party "Reserve price is not reached". He appears in the final minutes of trading, so that customers have the option to kill the reserve price (for those items where it is). In other words, if you see party "Reserve price is not reached," that is a reason to continue the fight — perhaps the victory is near.

If the latter rate appears accompanied litters "Until reserve was 1 step", it means that by doing the followingbet you win the auction — unless, of course, who-нибудь, inspired close luck not interrupt your last words. And always a shame when participants traded a few days and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step from victory. If you feel that thing — is yours, so take this step!

Note: fee from the buyer 15% of the final price of the lot.


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