Art Investment

A painting by Claude Monet sold for $81.4 mn

The work of Monet "Meule" ("Haystack") of 1891 became the top-лотом evening sale of impressionist and modern Christie's on November 16

total revenue trades (taking into account the result of Monet) reached $246,3 million went under the hammer lots 39 of 48 (81 %). In monetary terms, revenues amounted to 88% of the average total estimate.

Exhibited at Christie's a painting by Claude Monet "haystacks" (1891) — is one of a few works still remaining in private hands. The rest of the long in museums. The successful sale was expected, but the result exceeded all expectations of the organizers. Pre-auction house experts estimated the painting to be approximately $35-39 million — less than half of the total price. This battle of the rates in the auction house have not seen. Usually it is passed a lot of customers, but gradually the circle of the bidder narrows to two-трех people, the most persistent of which wins. In the case of Monet Torg was unpredictable: the participants came out and suddenly joined the fight again. For example, one of the challengers came into the fight with the first bid when the bidding reached $60 million But got the job in the end, his opponent for $72.5 million, excluding commissions ($81,45 million with Buyer's Premium). This is a new record for Monet's works; the previous record of $80.5 million paid for "Pond with water lilies", sold at the peak of the art-рынка in June 2008.

the Second top-лотом with a new record price for the author was the painting of Wassily Kandinsky "Rigide et courbe" ("Tough and flexible"), written in Paris in December 1935. Item offered with an estimate of $18-25 million, achieved $23.3 million including Commission. This is higher than the previous record belonged to a sketch for "Improvisation № 8" (Christie's, 07.11.2012, $23,042 million). Along with this sale, at the auction the Bank Kandinsky became four results above $20 million and nine scores above $10 million.

the Third most expensive work of the auction of impressionist and modern Christie's — "portrait of a woman (Dora Maar)" by Pablo Picasso, 1938, sold for $22.6 million Bought the painting of the Japanese Yusaku Maezawa — that in may 2016, paid a record for the author $57.3 million for the work of Jean-Мишеля Basquiat.

Another notable result — $6.5 million for the painting "the bell boy" by Chaim Soutine, previously estimated at $6-9 million


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