Art Investment

From Zhukovsky and Pushkin to Tsvetaeva and Akhmatova: rare books and autographs "In the Nikita"

Over 1000 lots of rare books and autographs of the Golden and Silver Ages of Russian literature at the auction in the "House of antique books in Nikitsky" April 23 and 24

Over 1000 lots of rare books and autographs of the Golden and Silver Ages of Russian literature from the private collection will be offered for sale in the "House of antique books in Nikitsky " April 23 and 24 .

The collection includes lifetime editions of Pushkin and his circle of poets , the first book Venevitinov D. , N. linguistic, E. and K. Baratynsky Batiushkov handwritten list of the famous poem by Lermontov death of Alexander Pushkin " Killed poet " , rare books successors Pushkin tradition - Tyutchev , A. and A. Maikova feta . Placer literary jewels Silver Age - lifetime editions and autographs A. Bely , Mayakovsky , Tsvetaeva , Anna Akhmatova and many others. Almost all the books out of print in the lives of their authors - Anna Akhmatova , Esenin , Pasternak , sign books and autographs of famous representatives of Futurism , Imagism , Symbolism , acmeism and even such rare literary movements as nichevoki , fuisty and biokosmisty .

Among the top lots of the collection - the first illustrated edition of Krylov's fables , is considered one of the most remarkable Russian illustrated books of the first quarter of the XIX century. Three autographs famous friend and teacher of Alexander Pushkin VA Zhukovsky , including unique check from the bank Rothschild , signed by VA Zhukovsky to obtain funds for the publication of the collected works of the last lifetime classic .

to Section bibliographical rarities include Tyutcheva first poetry collection , preserved in the publishing of printed cover (1854 ); greatest rarity - published "not for sale" circulation of 50 copies of the book of poems by A. Maikova " April 30 " (1888 ) and "Bulletin" Velimir Khlebnikov , printed in a quantity of 25 pieces , lithographed and painted by hand by the famous artist P. Miturich .

To top section belongs lots autograph Marina Tsvetaeva published in 1922 in Berlin copy of the poem " Tsar Maiden ": " Dear Alexander Kerensky - Russian fairy tale where nothing Sladen . Marina Tsvetaeva . Prague, February 1924 . " Generally known only two autographs from Kerensky Tsvetaeva on the instance of the Berlin edition of " Psyche" in 1923 and submitted copy .

According to the CEO of "House of antique books in Nikitsky " Sergei Burmistrov , " to has not yet been submitted in any auction as a complete collection of unique items related to the history of Russian literature. In the auction house received several offers to purchase the entire collection as a whole, however, by the decision of the owner of the meeting , all rarities will be sold in a public auction sale ».

With a collection of auctions can be found in the pre-auction exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 22 April 10 to 20 hours ( daily except Mondays ) at Moscow, Nikita lane. 4a , page 1 in the "House of antique books in Nikitsky "; tel . : (985) 969 7745 or (495) 926 4114 . auction will be held at the same place on 23 and 24 April at 19:00.

Source : Press Release "House of antique books in Nikitsky »

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