Art Investment

Online auction number 22 ARTinvestment.RU

Today, March 17 open 22th trading electronic trading platform «AI Auction"

Today , March 17 open 22th trading electronic trading platform «AI Auction » . The participants we offer 19 lots - paintings , original and lottery drawing .

start with the traditional painting. Among the 7 lots, " scenic " thong (it seems the more we had not exhibited ) - antique motif performed Mary Lagorio ; genre scenes and Benjamin Eiges ; characteristic landscapes : urban - and lyrical - Kocheyshvili ; coastal view with vacationers flamingos Natalia Severtsova and a small landscape sixties Vasily Sitnikov - a thin , pulsating simultaneously real and mystical and mesmerizing Bulgakov .

section 9 works constitute original graphics . Again draw attention to the theatrical string , which collected works , Mstislav Dobuzhinsky and Lushina .

interesting collection of portraits made ​​graphic image of a romantic model in pencil drawing Natalia Goncharova ; profile sad and distant like girls in black watercolor Ostroumova Anna Lebedeva , lit a thin smile girlish face watercolor Anatoly Zverev , confused , uncertain , unclear, and outlines details on the man's face gouache Vladimir Yakovlev .

Rounding section original graphics are two of the sixties : bilateral nude Vladimir Weisberg and the finest ink drawing Boris Sveshnikov .

Section lottery graphics this time is small, but qualitatively interesting: fourth lithographic list of gangster series Pepperstein Paul , distinctive, recognizable etching Oleg Tselkova and bright silkscreen Dubossarsky and Vinogradov - a luxury gift to fans of Schwarzenegger .

Reserve prices (where available) of the current auction lots are located in a comfortable range. Our deliverers , quite obviously know (we hope that with the help of the database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU ) the fair market price level and guided by him - for what they are thanks to another .

The auction continues AI virtual party « The reserve price is not reached » . He appears at the last minute trades that buyers had the opportunity to kill a reserve price ( for those lots where it is .) in other words, if you see members ' reserve price is not reached , " it is a chance to continue the fight - perhaps victory is near .

If the latter rate appears accompanied litters « Until reserve remained one step » , which means that making the next bet , you win a lot - of course, if anyone , inspired close luck not interrupt your last words. And always annoyed when participants traded a few days , and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step away from victory. If you feel that thing - yours, so do this step !

Favorites lots twenty-second auction ARTinvestment.RU

Nadezhda Udaltsova
(1886-1961) collection of potatoes. 1930 40th
Oil on canvas. 32 × 52,5

Burliuk, David Davidovich
(1882-1967) View of Manhattan from Central Park. Spring day . Mid XX century
Canvas duplicated on cardboard, oil . 30,4 × 40,6

Zverev Anatoly T.
(1931-1986) Portrait of a smiling girl. 1967
Watercolour and scratching . 63 × 61
 Yakovlev Vladimir I. ( 1934-1998 ) Blue portrait. Starting 1970
Yakovlev Vladimir I.
(1934-1998) Blue portrait. Early 1970s
Gouache on cardboard. 69,5 × 45

SITNIKOV Vasily Yakovlevich
(1915-1987) Moonlight . 1960 70th
Oil on cardboard. 20 x 24,5

( 1940) Evening on Dugne . 2006
masonite acrylic. 55 × 61

We continue to make paintings and drawings ( original and lottery ) to our regular weekly trades . On his desire to put the thing in the auction , please contact us at the AI or by phone : +7 (495) 632-16-81 . Rules of admission to the auction AI works can be found here .


Regular auction of art and collectibles are conducted using an automated system of auctions , available at /sales /.

In normal mode, each online auction lasts four days. But if the rate on a lot done in less than 30 minutes before closing the online auction , the bidding for this item are automatically extended for another 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes , if not received the new rate , the online auction will be closed , otherwise it will be extended for an additional 30 minutes. Such trading regime , as shown by the first auction , making pointless attempt to postpone rates until the last seconds before the close of the auction , and encourages participants to bid in comfort mode during all days of the auction .

According to the Rules of the auction, participate in the auction, ie to bid on the proposed lots for sale may only individuals who register on the site Auction ( Auction administration reserves the right to verify the applicants and to refuse registration without explanation .) Continue to save money and time participants , electronic system on behalf of each of them is trading with other participants , making the lowest possible rates to a specified amount of a participant . Minimal rates indicated in the description of each lot . If the maximum prices for the same item listed in two or more rates match, the winner is the bidder whose bid has been made before .

Fee Auction buyer with AI set at 10%of the final price of the lot . Payment is made in rubles in cash in the office of the Auction or by wire transfer to the account of the Auction. Auctions Administration does not issue export permits customers outside Russia of goods purchased at auction, and does not guarantee the possibility of obtaining such permits . Sending lots outside Russia Auction administration is not performed .


ARTinvestment.RU - information and analytical resource on the art market , the developer of the family of indices of the art market and compiler ARTIMX the world's largest database of auction results for artists, members of the orbit of Russian art. In its analytical work ARTinvestment.RU relies more than 160,000 auction sales results for 9.8 thousands of Russian artists in the segments of painting, drawing and sculpture. Unique indicators of investment risk , experts assigned ARTinvestment.RU, help eliminate many of the estimated mass of questionable results .

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