Art Investment

31 January - 10 th auction "antiquarian book House of the Nikitsky"

The catalog includes 376 lots of rare books, manuscripts and autographs. Trades in the section "On the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty" - more than 40 lots, including the unique documents and publications

«House of antique books in Nikitsky," January 31, 2013
Moscow, Nikitsky lane., 4a, p 1

January 31, 2013 "House of antique books in Nikitsky" holds 10th auction, which will be presented 376 lots of rare books, manuscripts and autographs.

Auction opens the section "On the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty," which will include more than 40 antique lots. Among the most interesting and rare - a unique collection of the most important manifestos and decrees issued in the reign of Elizabeth, Peter III, Catherine the Great, Alexander I and Nicholas I. Unconditional jewelry section are confidential letter of Emperor Alexander I, signed by his own hand and initialed by hand first Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Count V. Kochubey letters patent to the nobility, signed by Emperor Nicholas I, album of lithographs "Museum of rare, ancient and oriental weapons subjects of His Majesty Tsar and Autocrat of All Russia ", released 55 copies edition, complete set" Inventory Moscow Armory "with 500 pictures, complete edition of the Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich" Russian portraits XVIII and XIX centuries "in publishing directories, and more.

Among other top auction lots of great historical and artistic value - personal archive FI Chaliapin, the first edition of "Russian Grammar Lomonosov, not the destruction of the first journal publication censorship passage" Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow "Radishchev," Picturesque Caucasus » G. Gagarin in the publishing folder, complete set of Pushkin's anthology "Mnemosyne", the first poetic experiments Bryusov and Esenin, extremely rare counterfeit Odessa edition poetry collection "Rosary" Akhmatova, literary writing Korolenko and other printed and manuscript rarities.

Online Catalogue Auction .

Auction" House of the Nikitsky antiquarian book "will be held January 31 at 19 pm at the address: Moscow, Nikitsky lane . 4a, page 1. For all matters relating to the auction, please contact Sergey Burmistrov, tel.: (985) 969-77-45, (495) 926-41-14, e-mail

Source : press release "House of antique books in Nikitsky»

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