Art Investment

Does winning the Western painters East?

What are the achievements of modern Western writers at the Asian auctions? Is that a lot of Western contemporary art sold at auction east and how much he paid?

next rating Artprice is dedicated to the ten best results of the auction of contemporary Western artists reached at the Asian auctions in 2011.

Although the Asian demand for contemporary art is growing at a tremendous speed (in the 2011 Contemporary sales in the sector grew by 36%compared to 2010 m), is it basically works by Asian artists. In the overall ranking of Asian auction results in 2011 the first Western writer is only the 530-m site. Prominent Western galleries in New York, London and Paris is proud to open branches in Asia to promote their artists, but the real situation said the auction statistics on sales of Western authors in the East.

Top-10 Results of auction of contemporary Western artists in Asian trading in 2011



result, dollars



Marc Quinn

Strawberry Morning (2010)

202 400

June 29 2011 (Seoul Auction Center)


Sarah Morris

Chaser. From a series of "Origami" (2008)

74 800

March 16, 2011 (K-Auction Seoul)


Julian Opie

Ruth walking in Jeans (2008)

70 675

May 28, 2011 (United Asian Auctioneers HK)


Ralph Fleck

Stadium 15 (2010)

45 760

March 16, 2011 (K-Auction Seoul)


Richard Winkler

Bathers in the Forest (2006)

37 521

March 20, 2011 (Masterpiece Fine Art Auction Singapore)


Richard Winkler

Two women on the beach (2008)


August 7, 2011 (Masterpiece Fine Art Auction Singapore)


Richard Winkler

Two women on the beach (2008)

26 400

November 20, 2011 (Masterpiece Auction House Jakarta)


Robert Longo

Design with Eric (1981-1993)

22 785

September 17, 2011 (Shinwa Art Auction Tokyo)


Filippo Sciascia

Indonesia, Bali (Kadek) (2010)

16 500

January 23, 2011 (Masterpiece Auction House Jakarta)


Richard Winkler

Morning in Bali (2011)

15 396

November 27, 2011 (Christie's HK)

Britain, which once dominated the Asian art market through its community in Hong Kong and Singapore, now bypasses the rest of the western countries for sales of US- European modern art at the Asian auctions. "Strawberry Morning" Marc Quinn (Marc Quinn, 2010) led the top ten lots in western Asia, with a score of 202.4 thousand dollars ( 1st place ). The artist, famous for its monumental statues of British supermodel Kate Moss (who, incidentally, are the most successful of his works in international auctions), on the Asian soil while only three had sold their work - however, two of them left with more than 110 thousand dollars. 2011 was generally successful for Quinn, who has reached 16 results of more than $ 100 thousand (45%of works sold by Quinn), including its first seven-digit result: for his work "The Mythical Venus" (2006). In addition, in 2011 it took several solo exhibitions Quinn: Beirut («Mark Quinn 33 ° 53'13" N 35 ° 30'47 "E»), London ("The Storm Desire") and Norway ("Marc Quinn: all nature of flows through us »).

Mark Quinn
Strawberry morning. In 2010
Sarah Morris
Chaser. In 2008
Series "Origami»

artist Sarah Morris (Sarah Morris) appeals to issues of urban environment through painting and video art, creating maps of geometric images. March 16, 2011 in Seoul, her work is Chaser (2008) in a series of "Origami", exhibited at White Cube in 2008, was sold for 74.8 thousand dollars ( 2nd ). works in this series are in demand: 4 out of 19 the results of Sarah Morris, over 50 thousand dollars has been made "Origami". Seoul outcome was in fact a record for the Morris works in this series ( and the best for the artist since 2008). Another work - "The Swan" - brought to 20 thousand dollars less than nine months earlier in London.

Julian Opie (Julian Opie) - second most popular artist in the Western Asia (in terms of sales goes to Marc Quinn and his record in the 202 000 dollars). Auction momentum Julian Opie in Asia for 2011 are 140 thousand dollars (or 9%of its worldwide turnover of the auction), the fourth best result Opie made for the year on the Asian soil: the work, "Ruth walking in jeans" (2008) was sold for 70.7 thousand dollars ( third place ). On the English artist Julian Opie found in Asia, after how his work from 2009 began to sell the famous Kukje Gallery. In 2011 even a gallery dedicated works of Opie's own stand on the Korean International Art Fair KIAF. «Ruth walking in jeans," brought the artist's second best result for his multimedia work; at auction in Hong Kong bought it twice as expensive compared to European rates for such work Opie (eg, "Ann Dancing a" six months earlier in London, was sold for 34.8 thousand dollars).

IRS Julian
Ruth walking in jeans. 2008
Two women on the beach. In 2008
Source: myarttracker

In 2010 Gallery 313 Art Project Gallery, an exhibition-presentation by German artist Ralph Fleck (Ralph Fleck). Eight days after the close of the exhibition work Vleck «Rastro 21? (Madrid)" (2005) has set a record for the artist results in 22.8 thousand dollars. But the work of "Stadium 15" (2010), also purchased at the exhibition, a few months later was sold at auction with a record result of 45.76 thousand dollars ( 4th ). Works Vleck part in exhibitions since 1977, but up until December of 2010, none of them sold more 14,000 dollars. But since then things have changed and the work of the Germans are in steady demand for all 13 lots offered to buyers in 2011, found new owners, with 11 of them have left more of the lower estimate.

American Robert Longo (Robert Longo) did not wait for the arrival of the glory from the East, before becoming one of the leading writers of his generation in the West, his work is represented in the collections of the Tate, the Pompidou Center, MoMA and the Guggenheim Museum. Longo, known for his drawings, one time, and was fond of cinematography: His sci-fi movie "Johnny Mnemonic" with Keanu Reeves in the title role. His "Sketch with Eric," sold at auction in Tokyo in September of 2011 to 22.8 thousand dollars, took 8th place in the top 10 auction results of contemporary Western artists in Asian trading in 2011 and also became the most expensive work of contemporary western, which was sold in Japan. However, the price index declined Longo works compared to its peak in 2007-2008, when the artist has achieved four of its top auction results. "Design with Eric" somewhat lost in the price: this type of work was sold in 2006 by 12.2 thousand dollars more.

Until 2007, Italian artist Filippo Sciascia (Filippo Sciascia), only two had sold their works at auctions (both went under the hammer in his native Italy in the range $ 500). In 2007 his painting "Woman-Dragon" in Singapore has achieved the result of three 5 thousand dollars. At that time, Filippo Sciascia for almost 10 years living in Asia (he moved to Bali in 1998). His only result in an auction in 2011 (in 2010 the figure was 8) - is 16.5 thousand dollars per job "Indonesia , Bali (Kadek) ", sold in Jakarta in January ( 9th place ). It is working with" local "theme was popular in the Asian market.

And another resident of Bali - a Swede, Richard Winkler (Richard Winkler), whose works occupy the remaining four positions of the ranking ( 5,6,7 and 10 space ). In Asia, the artist moved in 1997, and since then the market for his work exclusively Asian. In 2011 he set a new personal record of the work of "Bathers in the Forest" (2006), sold for 37.5 thousands of dollars on Masterpiece Fine Art Auction in Singapore. Closing this rating "on the Morning Bali "was bought for 15.4 thousands of dollars in Hong Kong in November 2011. Since 2006, the work of Winkler similar subjects rose threefold in Hong Kong in 2006," Sunrise in Bali "has sold only 6.5 thousand dollars.

What is most surprising in this ranking, is the fact that none of the best results of modern Western art in Asia has not been established in mainland China. Sales of western modern art are the best in Jakarta, Tokyo , Singapore, Seoul or Hong Kong. Collectors Beijing and Shanghai has not yet been eager to buy European and American authors, dominate the Western art market. It turns out that with the exception of work by Robert Longo, Asia, the Western preference for works created in the last five years, which once again confirms that the young find their way everywhere, and in the East and West.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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