Art Investment

Top 3 artists on auction turnover of money in 2011

At the podium - two Chinese and one American, and the great Spaniard for the first time in 21 years was not included in the top three

After last year's leading art market in the world was Chinese, it is not surprising that in the general ranking of artists by auction turnover of money the first two lines occupy the artists come from the Middle Kingdom.

And therefore we say "goodbye" by Pablo Picasso - an artist who since 1989 has become 17 times the rating leader in auction turnover of money, and for the past 14 years he lost the first position only once. The overthrow of the Spanish throne, the titanium was really spectacular, as in the annual auction proceeds went around it, not only of Qi Baishi and Zhang Datsyan, and Andy Warhol. For the first time in 21 years Pablo Picasso was not included in the top three.

past 2011 certainly strengthened the Chinese supremacy in the art market: the share of the Middle Kingdom for more than 40 percent of global turnover of the auction, and 6 of 10 best-selling artists in the world - the Chinese. China has become the undisputed leader in the sale of art.

Datsyan Zhang (Zhang Daqian) - $ 550 million

It seems that the market works in this Chinese modernist knows only one way - up: after sverhuspeshnogo 2010 (total auction revenue from the sale of works Datsyanya Zhang was 314 million dollars, 58 works went under the hammer more million) in 2011 and became a triumph for the artist at all : he won first place in the overall rankings on the profitability of the authors. Sold Zhang Datsyanya for the year by as much as $ 550 million, the Chinese auction houses have made it an absolute champion ranking artists by auction turnover - no one had ever reached such heights.

In 2011, only bids appeared in 1361, Zhang Datsyanya lot - a record number (20 per cent more than in 2010), 233 remained unsold work (20 percent), sold 95 percent of the work had gone above the lower estimate.

more 111 works, Zhang Datsyanya crossed the threshold of $ 1 million - a seven-digit number of the results did not reach any other artist in 2011. In addition, Zhang Datsyan updated and your personal record: 1947 picture "The lotus flower and mandarin ducks," exhibited in 1957 in France, Hong Kong Sotheby's auction in 2011 paid 170 million HK dollars (21.8 million dollars) - ten times the lower estimate. This amount was also the highest priced auction in the history of trading in Hong Kong.

Five of the ten best results of Zhang Datsyanya were installed last year, the price index of the artist grew by 50 percent (in From 2005 to 2010 the index rose three-fold). Prior to 2005, 90 percent of the work, Zhang Datsyanya went under the hammer in the range of 100 thousand dollars from 2005 to such prices were sold only 57 percent of the work, and only 1.9 percent of Chinese modernist works in 2011 were available cheaper 5000 dollars. < /p>

a negligible part of the body works, Zhang Datsyanya not sold in Asia, only four works sold in New York, two - in Paris. All six works exceeded the estimate. But even with the excellent results of Datsyanya sold in the West, are responsible for only 0.03 per cent of its annual auction revenue.

Qi Baishi (Qi Baishi) - 510 million dollars < /strong>

Qi Baishi, the fourth in the ranking of artists by auction turnover in 2009, 2010, to the surprise of many, came in second place and kept him away in 2011. Demand for his work continues unabated: in 2011 only 18 percent of lots of Qi Baishi were left without a buyer, and 96 percent sold lots exceeded the upper estimate! Total market for the year 1340 fell modernist works. Personal record of the artist updated at least three times.

the entire history of Qi Baishi sales of works of the result of over 5 million dollars was reached 14 times, and in 2011 is exactly half of these achievements, including and the absolute world record for the figure - 57 million dollars for his work "The eagle on a pine tree." Qi Baishi was drawing the most expensive lot in 2011 and the 15th most expensive piece of art in the world. Qi Baishi became the first Chinese, whose work showed the result of the list of top 20 results of the global art market in the history of open trade.

In 2011, Qi Baishi work in Western markets appeared slightly more than the works of his compatriot Zhang Datsyanya: 30 papers were offered outside of Asia, of which 25 were sold. The overall result of the Western sales of only 0.58 percent of the annual auction turnover of the artist. Price index of Qi Baishi work increased by 35 percent last year, after the 2009-2010 scored as much as 400 percent.

Andy Warhol - 325 million dollars

Andy Warhol - the only Western artist, was able to keep the podium. In 2011, Warhol was sold at public auction for 325 million dollars (in 2010 - 313 million), which allowed the king of pop art to take third place ranking artists and only the second time around Pablo Picasso. Market Indicators for the year Warhol changed little: almost the same annual auction revenue (4 per cent more than in 2010), 46 seven-digit results (in 2010 there were 40), a 26-percent level of unsold lots (29 per cent in 2010) and the number of lots proposed by only 1 percent more than in 2010. The only significant difference between rates of 2010 and 2011 is that no creature Warhol did not get in the top five most expensive lots of the year (in 2010 this work was - "The men in her life," 56.5 million dollars, the 4th position in the list of the most expensive lots of year). In 2011, the best result achieved "Self Portrait" Warhol, who retired at 34.25 million dollars estimeyte 20-30 million. The work closes Top 10 lots in 2011 according to Artprice .

The main market for works by Andy Warhol is still in the West: 75 percent of the annual auction revenue brought sales in the U.S., 23 per cent - on sale in Europe (including 21 percent of the British brought the auction). Asian auction in 2011 brought in the common fund sales Warhol only 0.2 percent of income - so they have earned proposed 13 lots (less than 1 percent of total world supply). Thanks to the American art market, which slowly give way to the tastes and fashions in Warhol's stable (37 per cent of works sold in the U.S.), the price index of the artist is held steadily and in 2011 grew by 12 percent.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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