Art Investment

Post-war and contemporary art: sensation

May has been generous to the sensation. Auctions impressionists and modernists, as well as post-war and contemporary art set new price benchmarks.

When in 2004 the famous Marlborough Fine Arts gallery brought to Moscow dvuhmetrovye paintings of English artist Francis Bacon and called the indicative price for everyone, this has led to mixed feelings - rather puzzling, passing in the respect. Of course, not only the figure of three million forced to take a closer look distorted male figure in front of sink and sketches from a broken statue. «Patient» energy, evil soul inside out, deliberate denial of any decoration. To this work «hurt», and the last seconds, but to understand it, it will take years. Given that Bacon works in Russian museums do not have, should have been «cherish the time». And, as is clear not only to watch it. May 15, 2007 for bekonovsky «Etude Innocent X» 1962, at Sotheby's paid 52.68 million dollars - an absolute record for the artist's works and yet another confirmation of the experts' opinion that the work of Britain will soon equal in value to create a Spaniard Picasso. A series of portraits of Pope Innocent X (reminiscence famous Diego Velazquez canvas), certainly not ordinary. But in any case about the previous 4, 6 and 8 million dollars for a much more conventional bekonovskie canvases from this time can we forget: these prices will no longer be.

With phenomenal result - 14.6 million (again, a record for the artist's works) - and ended May 15, bidding for dvuhmetrovy unnamed oil on canvas by Jean-Michel Basque. Disputes not work is not simply an interesting and remarkable for an artist: it came almost all of that value in the unusual creativity of the New York abstract expressionist. And yet, until recently, the best picture of the commercially successful graffiti-Reiter worth about 5-6 million dollars. A two-three years ago at auction, they are difficult to reach 3 million. And even the «pre-reform» prices forced experts mutter that they are not relevant to class work. In the meantime have not yet adjusted to take account of recent achievements of investment statistics works Baskov is eloquent: $ 100, it is invested in them in 1997, to February 2007 on become a 502 dollar. And it is not deceptive growth with a minimum initial base: Ten years ago, the picture has already cost the Basque expensive.

White Center

Mark Rothko. White Center. 1950.
Oil on canvas. 205,8 × 141. Estimeyt: on demand. Sale price: U.S. $ 72.84 million Sotheby's. 15.05.07. Lot number 31

The third result of the May evening - this is not a record for a single artist, but for the entire post-war art. He found dvuhmetrovaya abstraction «White Center» Mark Rothko.

1950. Three horizontal color strips. 72.84 million dollars. Portfolio Rothko - byword among art collectors and investors, an example of duty, which resulted when the talk about the fabulous profitability of investment in the arts. Interestingly, they are not a rarity: a year sale 10-15 similar abstractions. You can even talk on the established price. Thus, in 2000, almost a standard fee for dvuhmetrovuyu abstraction beginning 1950 at $ 10 million excluding commission. Now the «tax» grew exactly twice. And nearly 73 million lost, again, is not a simple thing. This is for the unprepared viewer all abstraction of Rothko 1950 differ only in color as well as the number and width of horizontal stripes (two or three zones of color). A dedicated expert and easily talk about the nuances of the heap. And that the 1950-th - this is turning, the most valuable years in the creative evolution of the master, and the integrity and completeness of a particular song, and the confidence and inspiration that are felt in the canvas, and even the mass of all, it is important that the sets abstraction of 73 million dollars from the abstraction of the same author over 10 million. Perhaps, at a price effect and the origin of the work: it has been for sale from the 91-year-old banker David Rockefeller. Things sold nearly 73 million dollars, Rockefeller purchased in 1960 for 8,5 thousand dollars, that is about 60 thousand dollars in terms of current money. Thus, over 47 years, this abstraction went to 1 216 times - without peredergivany, adjusted for inflation.

Art of Mark Rothko in the potential to be attractive to Russian collectors. The phenomenon is, of course, all-American, but for us Rothko - this is Rotkovich and Marcus, born in the Russian Empire, the borders of the time, in the territory of modern Latvia in 1903. His family emigrated to the States, only ten years later.

73 million dollars - a result of a special, but because the unit that had already confirmed the next day, when dvuhmetrovaya composition Rothko untitled 1954 at Christie's auction was sold for 29 million dollars, with an upper estimeyte 25 million dollars. This level can now be quite a market for the artist.

Similar thematic auction Christie's also had some sensation. Bright impression of Andy Warhol «Green road accident» 1963 (oil on canvas, mixed media, 228.6 x 203.2) with estimeytom 25-35 million dollars was sold for 71.7 million dollars fantastic - small enough not to break the record Rothko. A typical «Lemon Marilyn» Warhol finished bidding at around 28.04 million dollars - and those old is now surprised? Things to know status, which brings together the main meanings of young American artists. And defiantly high price - it is one of the essential meanings.

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