Art Investment

Daniel Arsham to reissue the famous box "Brillo" Warhol

The series Eroded Brillo Box created in collaboration with the Andy Warhol Museum, will be sold in support of the Museum

a List of significant collaborations with stars of contemporary art by Daniel Arsham has expanded to another position: to such brands as Louis Vuitton, Disney and Dior (the list goes on), added the Andy Warhol Museum The Andy Warhol Museum. In collaboration with the Museum of Archamps has released a limited series of works inspired by one of the most iconic works of pop-арта — series of Andy Warhol's Boxes of Brillo"" in 1964.

According to Arthur Danto (Arthur Danto), a former 1960-х years Professor of philosophy at Columbia University, the box "Brillo" Warhol asks the important question: how can you determine what more is art — work by van Gogh or a box of "Brillo"? "Andy has shown that the simple act of perception of the difference between art and not-искусством cannot be set", — he said. Option "boxes" of Archamps plays with the idea of Warhol: his "box" — is thinking about how could look like a "box" of Andy Warhol, if it were found by archaeologists of the distant future, that's why cardboard boxes are transformed into "eroded" — damaged by time.

Original work Eroded Brillo Boxes size 130,5 × 44,5 × 44,5 cm Archamps made in honor of 25-летия of the Andy Warhol Museum in 2019. Serial copies (500 pieces) — smaller version of the original. The height of each instance is 24.5 cm and it weighs 7 kg, has a unique serial number and is accompanied by a holographic sticker Arsham Editions, certificates of authenticity and number in circulation.

to Acquire a series of works will be from July 18, 2020 for the official the website of the artist. Today, the artist organized a public discussion with representatives of the Andy Warhol Museum in his account on Instagram. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of boxes of "Brillo" Daniel Arsham will go to support the activities and organization of exhibitions Andy Warhol Museum.


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