Art Investment

Art historian Pavel Golubev filed a lawsuit against the Russian Museum

We are talking about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of the author, transcripts of the diaries of the artist Konstantin Somov

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on 14 September in Odessa art Museum @finearts_museum Pavel Golubev gave a lecture about the history of the publication of the diaries of K. A. Somov. For the wonderful photos we thank Anna had to spend @apranichphotographer And, of course, a huge thank you to everyone who came! It was perfect! Odessa, we are overwhelmed and conquered! #сомов1869 #somov1869 #Konstantinopol #konstantinsomov #diary #som #somovdiary #dnevnikov #taskexecutionmode #odessaartmuseum

the Publication of Konstantin Somov (@somov1869)

Frank Luba diaries, transcribed by Pavel Golubev, was published in two volumes by the publishing house "Dmitriy Sechin". The first volume, with doemigratsionny records of the period 1917-1923, was released in 2017, and the second, with recordings 1923-1925, was presented to the public in 2018-м.

Pavel Golubev led a transcript in about 10 years — Titanic work. This year he defended his thesis on this topic. And the merit of it was not only how to analyze handwriting. The critic was able to restore the encrypted by the author of the blog posts, and part dipped his nephew fragments (erotic and anti-Soviet).

In the process, Golubev found inaccuracies and errors made by employees of the Russian Museum in the distant 1970-е years, when was the first attempt of decoding of the diaries (the original is kept in the Russian Museum). Analysis of errors and their opinions on the work of specialists of the Russian Museum Golubev published in the article "the diary of the artist Konstantin Somov 1925-1934 years as a historical source". It contained sharp insights, including the following: "the Publication Podkopayeva — Sveshnikova, unfortunately, has played a negative role in the study of life and works of Somov".

Russian Museum responded that generally challenged the role of Pavel Golubev in decoding recently published diaries. Particularly in publishing, where it is preparing to release a new book Golubeva "Konstantin Somov: Lady unmasked", a letter arrived from the timing belt. It was such a fragment (quoted by "Fontanka.Ru" referring to a lawyer): "Golubev for a number of years, misled his readers. In fact, he used the typewritten copy of the diaries". Have in mind that not all transcribed himself, and used the text that was typed Podkopayeva and Sveshnikova in the late 1970-х years. And that's not all. August 23 in the "Special opinion" on "echo" a senior fellow at the timing Yulia Demidenko gave the work of Golubev in the diaries such an assessment: "I worked with archival documents. Many things were not checked, and the main claim, which makes him the Museum, is that in cases when the Som is silent about what-то, the publisher reproduced in accordance with his perception of what-то moments... the words that do not belong Somov". All of this can be understood so that the Russian Museum alludes to plagiarism in the new breakdown (though not using the word "plagiarism"), as well as an unreasonable interpretation of the words Somov.

the lawsuit Pavel Golubev requires the Museum to relinquish them common claims and pay compensation for moral damages in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. I want to wish him good luck though and sorry to hear that this happened.


What else to read on the topic on AI:
Published the first volume of the diaries of Konstantin Somov;
Published the second volume of the diaries of Konstantin Somov.

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