The Ministry of culture has distributed the collection of the Confederation for regional museums
24 000 of the 53 000 works eliminated the International Confederation of unions of artists will be sent to the museums of Orenburg, Samara, Smolensk, Belgorod, Omsk, Tver, Voronezh and Moscow
"This collection for many decades formed our creators, our artists, up until the early 90-х, and then a total mess the dashing 90-х was in the temporary possession of some public organizations. Now this unique collection, wearing multinational character, since it presents works of all national schools of the Soviet Union, returned to our museums", — announced Vladimir Medinsky on the "Intermuseum" in the Arena on 1 June 2019.
Under "certain social organization" of "confusion dashing 90-х" he was referring to the International Confederation of unions of artists under the leadership of Masut Fatkulina —, the successor of the Union of artists of the USSR. In the collection of the Confederation has historically received work from all over the Soviet Union. And that's the icau owned the Central house of artists on Krymsky Val. The power defeated the Confederation in 2017. Selected properties, selected the collection and liquidated by the decision of the Supreme Court. The building of the Central house of artists gave the Tretyakov gallery. It was no secret from the beginning. And many thought that there will pass the whole collection. But the details were wrong. It is definitely not all. The part will be sent to regional museums of the Moscow Museum-заповедник "Tsaritsyno".
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On the website of the Ministry of culture has given the first scenario: the Orenburg regional Museum of fine arts will give 499 items, Samara literary-мемориальному Museum. Gorky — 77 items, the Smolensk state Museum-заповеднику — 221 subject, Belgorod state literary Museum — 650 items, Omsk state literary Museum to them. Dostoevsky — 62 of the object of the Tver state United Museum — 191 object, Voronezh regional literary Museum to them. I. S. Nikitin — 278 items, and reserve "Tsaritsyno" — 2 076 items.
However these numbers are just a formality. It is impossible to judge how feasible it will be strengthened a regional meeting. Collection of Confederation of unions of artists was gigantic (53,000 items) and very heterogeneous. Along with the absolute multi-million dollar masterpieces the highest level, it had plenty of fairly transient things — as painting and arts and crafts — not Museum quality. But it is significant that even in a technically and ethically complex cases, the state avoids to put the confiscated movable cultural property to auction. Prefer not to sell but to fill up a jug.
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