The court arrested the building and the collection of the Museum of the Institute of Russian realist art
Arrest for pictures of the Museum and the Museum itself is imposed as a part of property of Alexey and Dmitry Ananiev — former owners of Promsvyazbank. The current leadership of the Bank and the Bank of Russia to demand compensation of the damage caused by the owners and management
On the seizure of property brothers Ananyev RBC. Their "Promsvyazbank" collapsed in 2017 and was taken to reorganize. It was reported that a considerable part of assets were withdrawn by the owners and management. the Central Bank has spent on the capitalization of the Bank 243 billion rubles. And this is not the limit. Now Promsvyazbank appointed government supporting Bank for the financing of the defense industry.
However, this is not about that.
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the Museum of the Institute of Russian realist art, outdoor Alexei Ananyev in 2011, has always been an example of exemplary private Museum. Well, almost always. In some places there were visible gustatory areas where-то could be reduced and increase the exposure was a bit much protection. But this master's work. In General IRRI for several years has become a very friendly place for the public. It is beautiful, comfortable and spiritually. This is hardly the only Museum in Moscow, with convenient Parking. Well, the main thing, IRRI has been and is the essential masterpieces — real thing George of Nyssa, Victor Popkov, Helium Korzheva. In particular, Korzhev there was a whole separate collection, very spectacular. Ananeva spared no expense to the meeting. Sometimes there was a feeling that they need the thing they were ready to pay any money. For example, the canvas "Over the snow" George of Nyssa cost them at Sotheby's in $2 952 000 — fabulous price for this author. That picture, by the way, came from the collection of the International Confederation of unions of artists, which in 2017 the state has selected the Central house of artists, the collection of paintings and liquidated by the decision of the Supreme Court.
catalogue of the collection of the Institute of Russian realist art can be viewed here.
it is Unclear what will happen next. Here arrested the Museum and paintings, so what? The new leadership of the Bank and the Central Bank we do not need paintings and brick walls, and money. Does this mean that the Museum will sell on the open market? At the auctions of confiscated goods? If Yes, who do they see buyers arrested paintings assembled personally know a banker? But there are masterpieces of national importance, things that are much more than 50 years and all that. I suppose that the state can act in a familiar way — as with the collection of the International Confederation of unions of artists: take and pass the Tretyakov gallery. But then where will the money needed for compensation? Too many questions. And good scripts are not visible.
I'm sorry things turned out. It is clear that it is ambiguous and the story did not come out of nowhere. Whatever it was, but this situation will be another signal for those businessmen who are too deeply takes root in Russia, including on the basis of investments in culture.
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