Art Investment

Hamovnichesky court will consider case about swindle with Gauguin and Cezanne

A criminal case was initiated under part IV of article 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation "Swindle in especially large size". We are talking about the sale of paintings in the amount of about 68 000 000 — that is a million dollars

the Official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina Wolf announced the following details: "According to investigators, the intruder suggested my friend to purchase her paintings, supposedly made by famous artists of 19-20 centuries — Paul cézanne, Camille Corot, Paul Gauguin, Camille Pissarro, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Francois Boucher and others. Misled about the real value of the canvases and supplies them brush known masters of the victim agreed to purchase". Preliminary investigation is finished, materials are transferred in court, the accused is under recognizance not to leave.

again: cézanne, Corot, Gauguin, Pissarro, Renoir, Boucher and other first names. And it's only-то about a million dollars.

I'm Sorry, Your Eminence, but for Athos this is too much... and for the Comte de La fere — is too low.

Well, not the etchings as she suggested? And an authentic painting of the French is orders of magnitude more expensive. Appearing in fact the authors — is the most expensive artists of the world, their masterpieces can be viewed in our rating. Record of Cezanne — more than $ 60 million, Renoir — over 78 million. Gauguin in the market for private transactions is able to cost up to $ 300 million. This, of course, peak prices. But on international market hard to find painting these authors a decent level cheaper several million dollars.

And then only one at all. Maybe part unfinished or something? I don't know. Details in the official report too little. But can I build some assumptions?

for the past ten years in my memory, and maybe more e-mail addresses of Russian users and the forums I go antique "Nigerian letter". The history is different, but the General meaning is roughly the following.

Say, a European collector to part with a collection of masterpieces and offers to fight for Russian buyers. In the collection, as a rule, just a "flower garden": Titian, Leonardo, Rubens, and of French Impressionists and post-Impressionists — where do without them. Treasures stored in the castle in Austria, Hungary, Spain or somewhere else-нибудь in the EU. Negotiations are conducted by lawyers. Contact only with serious intentions. Well, what else?

However, how many people-нибудь in the subject, and just people with a critical mind will immediately ask a simple questions: why would a European collector, with wealth to seek his fortune in Russia, not in Europe? While at his side satisy and Kristie — the world's most expensive places for selling art. And with customs, no problems. Serious buyers — from the whole world, from the Japanese billionaires Arab sheiks. What is not there-то to sell? And, Agnessa Ivanovna?

isn't that because in 99.9% of cases these European masterpieces from the collection of mailing lists — selected "fuflomitsin" forgery. The attackers, however, do not count on the attention of professionals. Their goal — unsuspecting newcomers, incompetent middlemen, who decided at this point to become art-дилерами. Here they are-то and you can dig, useyour chance to drag on the Hungarian "Rubens and Titian" what-то rich friends to my contacts. Perhaps where-то and burn out. It happens that suddenly, but too late.

Be careful not to become neither sorrow-дилером, neither sorrow-покупателем. Rely more on common sense. Understand the prices. And read at least with our basic tips for novice collectors.

: of the interior Ministry.of the Russian Federation

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