Art Investment

Tourist brand of Russia — in the style of Suprematism

This is a schematic map of circles, lines and triangles are lake Baikal, the TRANS-Siberian or Kamchatka

the Development of tourist brand of Russia began in 2015. Initially, he was declared a national contest, which sent 10 thousand applications. The best of them was transferred for revision to the Association of branding companies. As a result of 30 full concepts were selected 10 finalists.

From the finalists by popular vote, was chosen the concept of branding Agency SUPREMATIKA "Russia — is a whole world". It is encrypted in Suprematist forms map of Russia, where the brown semicircle on the East symbolizes the Kamchatka Peninsula, passing through the map, the yellow line denotes the TRANS-Siberian railway and the blue circle — Baikal. The main principle adhered to developers — not to use cliches like dolls, balalaikas and bears and not to include religious symbols, as this would be, most likely, the domes of churches, and that Orthodox Christianity, which is far from the only denomination in the country.

the SUPREMATIKA project had many opponents. As he wrote in his Facebook one of the authors of the concept of Vladimir Lifanov, what he is not only accused for two years: "in the spending of budgetary funds on pointless work, in the worship of the West, in the absence of the Russian idea, lack of talent, lack of respect for history, even the misunderstanding of the people." Even the nationalists were against the symbols of Malevich, because he-де pole. But at the end of voting, the concept still appeals to people more than others.

the results of the voting had to approve the jury consisting of experts in branding, tourism and high-ranking state officials (the only lady in the jury — Maria Zakharova). At this point, all hung (March 2018). According to rumors, someone-то officials Suprematist concept maps is not relished. However, according to the terms of the contest, the jury had no right to cancel the results of the vote and hold new, so in the end the concept though and with delay, but have been adopted.

Perhaps it does not at all meet the expectations of fans of the Suprematism. Could be bolder, or rather to follow the precepts of man, but to not flirt with someone who knows nothing about the avant-garde. On the other hand, according to one of the authors, Dennis Shlesberga, the calculation was just to make the symbolism clear and unenlightened, that for its perception is not needed to understand the work of Kandinsky and Malevich (as blasphemous as it may sound to those who understand). And yet we should not overestimate the level of education of potential foreign tourist, ""Western audience" understands that [at the forefront] is not better than our compatriots", — adds Slasberg. But almost anyone coming to Russia a foreigner, like a mantra, repeats the words Ural, , Baikal, Transsiberian and Kamchatka — and these-то things put on a well-recognizable in the West, the visual aesthetics of the Russian avant-garde, and form the basis of a new tourism brand.


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