Banksy made a series of critical graffiti in France. One job is already destroyed
Banksy again talks about the current social and everyday concerns – terrorism, cultural conflict, refugees
But not everybody likes it. In the North of Paris, near the former reception centre for immigrants appeared the image of a black girl, fills pink floral ornament large swastika. But the work stayed on the wall long – it was quickly painted over with a layer of blue paint.
On the other Parisian side street came a horseman, with his head wrapped in a flowing scarlet fabric. The plot and composition of graffiti you can catch the reference to the waving of the robes of the ancient goddesses, and the figure of "Napoleon at the pass Saint-Бернар" painted by Jacques-Луи of David, and to the wrapped heads of "the Lovers" by rené Magritte. But all of the artistic allusions are used Banksy to statements about far more pressing issues — on the ban on the wearing of the niqab, adopted in France in 2011.
Almost simultaneously in different parts of the city there were also "branded" signs of Banksy images of rats. According to connoisseurs of the artist, they act as underground freedom fighters, as the embodiment of all that gray, hideous and vulgar — only "rat" in modern society. Paris Banksy rats are very different: one pot, like Charlie Chaplin, the second lugs Mickey-Мауса, the third saddled emitted from a champagne bottle cork, and the fourth like a real graffiti artist, is hiding the face with a handkerchief. In his instagram Banksy wrote that the last rat is dedicated to the 50-летию the Paris student revolt in may 1968. On the same date, according to the artist, originates stensil-арт (creating graffiti stencils).
And finally, on the fire door "Bataclan" (where in 2015, a terrorist act occurred with a large number of victims) there was a grieving girl. The figure refers to the traditions of the image of the faces of the saints. As suggested by users of social networks, this "mural" was a parting gift from Banksy to the Parisians.
the role of a mysterious fighter for intellectual independence and the author of ephemeral works of art that Banksy has caught for many years, fueled the desire of collectors to acquire his work. Easel paintings but it is not much. And they are already a lot of money, although Banksy and is not included in top living artists . The most expensive sold picture of the Bristol writer today is an ironic parody of the "circles" Damien Hirst's "Keep it spotless" was sold in 2008 for $1.87 million And this is not the only product of the underground, break the million bar.
recall that the work of the famous graffiti-райтера possible before the end of the summer to see in Moscow. In the Central house of artists on Krymsky Val exhibition"Banksy: genius or vandal? You decide!"
Keep it spotless, 2007
Painting; balloon paint, 214x305 cm
sale Price: $1 870 000
the Sotheby's Auction. 14.02.2008
the auction record for Banksy
Source: artinvestment.ruBANKSY
a Simple test of intelligence, 2000
Painting (5); Canvas, oil on Board. 91,5 x 91,5
sale Price: $ 1 265 362
the Sotheby's Auction. 28.02.2008
the Second highest auction result Banksy
Sources: , ,
What else to read on the subject:
"Banksy: genius or vandal? You decide!" in CHA
Print Banksy is a 35-thousand dollars stolen from an exhibition
several new Banksy graffiti appeared in new-Йорке
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