The metro station "Fonvizina" make out stereoanlage artist Khudyakov
Luminous stained glass Windows for the new stations, named in honor of the author of "Ignoramus", changed to 4-метровые spectacular stereo-панели with three-dimensional scenes from the Comedy of Denis Ivanovich
a New station on the green branch (between the stations "Butyrsky" and "Petrovsko-Разумовская") opened six months ago. In the arch of the arches on the platform now installed light boxes of complex shape — essence, large bulb. But some of them are already changing to a new stereolith-панели of the artist Konstantin Khudyakov. In total there will be 28 — four-meter height of paintings, in which reconstructed three-dimensional image. The installation of panels at the station "Fonvizina" has already begun.
Digital pictures Khudyakov — is really very impressive technology. We watched with my own eyes what impression of stereophile Khudyakov produce buyers. It's not about Fonvizina stories, and more risky. With Khudyakov is 3D-панели collectible format, for apartments — about the meter on. In standby mode they look on the wall as a beautiful frame with a black mirror. But is the viewer closer, it triggered the motion sensor, turns on interior lights and on the screen there is a complicated digital-арт image that changes depending on the view angle. In the domestic market of private transactions (auctions they have not yet been) such stereolith-панели cost around 350 000-400 000 rubles per meter size. But there are more and more expensive. Khudyakov (1980-е artist of the city Committee schedules on the little Georgia, member of the group "20 Moscow artists") today sought after artist on our art market, is rating top-100 living Russian artists for the auction. Its large digital paintings on metal are sold in the range of 180 000-240 000.
Konstantin KHUDYAKOV angel Eyes. 2016
Metal, seal, varnish. 99,5 x 149,5
AI Auction. 19.01.2018
sale Price: 190, 000.
Source: artinvestment.ruKonstantin KHUDYAKOV was Not expecting... From the project "Masterpieces of museums of the world." 2009
Canvas UltraChrome print. 110 × 160
AI Auction. 10.06.2016
selling Price: 400 000 RUB.
What else to read on the topic on AI:
"artist of the week. Konstantin Khudyakov";
the Ratings of AI: the "living Russian artists";
"Contemporary art in 3D-VR: Khudyakov, Gintovt, Zaikin, Batishev, Sploshnov".
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