The Vatican found two unknown works by Raphael
This is probably the last two works made by the artist before his death. The find was made during restoration works in the papal Palace
Allegorical image of "Friendship" and "Justice" are part of the murals of the Hall of Constantine in the papal Palace of the Vatican. Previously it was thought that all the frescoes of the Hall of Constantine was performed by pupils of Raphael in his sketches after his death, but now this rule has two exceptions.
25-летний Rafael started to design the rooms of the papal Palace for Pope Julius II in 1508 and finished three rooms, known today as "Raphael's rooms". Plans were on the fourth, the big room for banquets, currently called the Hall of Constantine in the story the main fresco of the "Baptism of Constantine". The intention of Raphael was to paint the walls with paint water-based characteristic techniques of fresco and oil. As claimed by Giorgio Vasari in his "Lives of the most famous painters, sculptors and architects", Rafael began his experiments in painting walls with oil paint from the image of two figures. This was the key evidence in favor of authorship images "Friendship" and "Justice". During the restoration work started in the Hall of Constantine in 2017, it was found that only these two images painted in oil, while the rest of the scenes depicted in the art of traditional frescoes.
But not only the composition of the paint indicates the authorship of Raphael. Critics surely have recognized the hand of the master, the nature of the brushstrokes. A study using x-rays and ultraviolet light have shown that under the images of these two figures there is no preparatory drawing. This was possible only in the case if their author was not a disciple, but the master himself. In cleansing the image of dirt began to appear unusual colors of the murals, characteristic of Raphael.
the Restoration of the Hall of Constantine is planned to be completed by 2022, but all the space will be closed to visitors, limit access to only those areas over which will work the restorers.
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