Appointed as the new Director of the Centre behalf Grabar
December 1, 2016, the General Director of the GRC was Dmitry Sergeyev, a former Deputy Director of the Department of cultural heritage, Ministry of culture
To work in the Ministry of culture's new CEO "Grabara" worked in ROSIZO, which came in 2001. "I come not to someone-то reduce", — quoted Dmitry Sergeyev website of the Ministry of culture. However, then it is said that "the need for optimization can be dictated by life itself — is associated with the activities of any institution in modern conditions and, of course, it is difficult to predict". In the first speeches of the new Director "Grabara" gave to understand that he is going to focus on utilizing modern techniques and new technological opportunities for the conservation of movable monuments.
the Former Director of the Centre behalf Grabar was a recognized expert Alexander Lesovoy. After the reshuffle related to a certain age, he he became Deputy Director General for restoration. Such a position he is now listed on the official the website "Grabara".
Note the Grabar Center, which issues expert opinions on the authenticity of works of art, in a practical sense is one of the core structures for the market of Russian art.
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