The collector Alexander Pevzner took a picture of Briullov
Confiscated the painting "Christ in the tomb" will be stored in the Russian Museum. So decided the Supreme court Collegium
the Authorities continue to read us lectures on measures to improve the investment climate in General and the protection of property in particular. Demonstration of illustrative examples to be more convincing. For example, 26 APR 2016 Basmanny court in absentia was arrested Grigorishin collector. By the way, while he was looking for, he went to Kiev and already submitted the documents for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship with the rejection of the Russian and Cypriot. And yesterday showed a new example: "Kommersant" became known that the Collegium of the Supreme court in criminal cases confiscated the collector Alexander Pevzner and his wife painting by Karl Briullov "Christ in the sepulchre". The picture will be stored in the Russian Museum. Where it is stored after she was arrested over 10 years ago.
From-за what cheese-бор? In 2002, our former compatriot, but by the time a citizen of Germany, Alexander Pevzner bought in Brussels painting by Karl Bryullov. The work was intended for the Church, and therefore no signature. Meanwhile, Bryullov, whatever it was real, without a signature and examination — is n/x and not Bryullov. That's probably why Pevzner decided to effect a temporary importation of paintings in Russia as n/x, send it in timing, to correct the documents about the authenticity. And, they say, "straightened". Yes, Russian Museum confirmed the authenticity, then, the FSB has arrested a picture as a pair and almost got arrested Pevsner for smuggling. As writes "Kommersant" "Initially, Mr. Pevsner accused under part 2 of article 188 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation in connection with "a false Declaration": according to investigators, he did not indicate the authorship bryullova and issued temporary importation without paying customs duty, allegedly having the intention to sell the picture timing". the Latter is very improbable. Why sell timing, if the class foreign auction can fetch much more? Believe Pevzner just wanted to make a convincing examination and take Briullov ago. What-нибудь Sotheby's or Christie's. In the end, to have the punishment for "smuggling" did not come.
And the collector Pevzner decided out-поздорову to go to Germany and continue from there the judicial ordeal. Successes alternated with failures. The courts solved to return the painting to the collector (twice), then again changed the decision. As a result, yesterday the Supreme court said Basta, the picture remains in the Russian Museum. Especially since she is already accustomed and perhaps will soon make friends.
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