Art Investment

In Moscow, presented Freeport Luxembourg

In October 2014 at the airport in Luxembourg will earn a new set of duty-free storage - Freeport
Before the presentation
Photo by Konstantin Babulin, AI

Pierre Ferring, Ambassador of Luxembourg in Russia
Photo by Konstantin Babulin, AI

Etienne Schneider, Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade of Luxembourg
Photo by Konstantin Babulin, AI

David Arendt, Executive Director of The Luxembourg Freeport
David Arendt, Executive Director of The Luxembourg Freeport
Photo by Konstantin Babulin, AI

in October 2014 at the airport in Luxembourg earns new Freeport - complex duty storage The Luxembourg Freeport area of ​​approximately 11,000 square meters. meters. This subject is gaining increasing importance, as even the most dedicated collectors already eyeing the quiet harbors, with a stable socio-political system. So, that is not stored in one basket.

Speaking of "safe harbor", we must understand that Freeport - it does not "pirate bay", and the structure is quite clear, which is subject to the laws of Luxembourg and the European Union, including "antiotmyvochnogo" legislation. Duty-free and special tax regime does not imply that any questions on customs' closes his eyes. " On the contrary. Right in the walls of Freeport equipped customs, all incoming items for storage declared. Let the real owner must be blank, but the cost - is necessary. Those wishing to enter the car and drive to the territory of the Freeport must be ready for inspection. That is, in general, for something illegal Freeport is not an option. It is rather a platform designed for qualified legal storage of luxury and duty-free import and export between the EU and countries outside it.

first task Freeport - surround with care owners collectibles and earn service. There will be everything - from packaging to logistics and insurance. On the territory of Luxembourg Freeport even provided accommodation expert laboratories. There also will offer the service of restoration works, frames, photography for catalogs. Of course, provided and showrooms. It is assumed that the owners will be able to comfortably there to trade and manage the subsequent fate of their subjects.

Secondly, Freeport delivers storage infrastructure that meets the requirements of insurance companies. Policyholders who keep their collectibles at home, these requirements are usually guaranteed a headache. Relatively speaking, insurers require deaf bars on the windows, and then comes the fire, and said that the lattice must be unlocked, and the key - kept in a prominent place. Knowledgeable people say that for the sake of fulfilling all requirements should turn the house into a fortress. Than live in this - it is easier to send the object to Freeport and show your friends on occasion. Freeport same things will be provided with the right level of temperature and humidity, proper fire safety and protection from natural disasters. In Luxembourg, there are no tsunamis and tornadoes in the area of ​​the airport there are no rivers and flood risk, but just in case, Freeport is situated at an altitude of 371 meters above sea level.

from duties and taxes is the case about so. According to European law of 28 July 2011, the VAT and tax exempt duties:

  • works whose country of origin is not in the EU, imported in Luxemburg Freeport;
  • products originating in the EU, the EU exported abroad;
  • services rendered in respect of works placed in Freeport.

major anchor tenants Freeport forvardingovyh are several companies, transport and logistics. They are, as I understand, will be working with private collectors, selecting clients based on reputation. Owner Luxembourg Freeport - well known in Russia Yves Bouvier (remember, he organized the first in Moscow Fine Arts). Today Bouvier - a major shareholder of Singapore Freeport, participates in the Freeport of Beijing, and is the largest shareholder of the Geneva Freeport. By the way, about Geneva. Of course, we asked what the main differences from the Swiss Freeport Luxembourg. Differences, and mainly, two: it is located next to the airport and in the country - a member of the EU (Switzerland is not part of the EU). When asked about the future prices for collectors CEO The Luxembourg Freeport David Arendt replied evasively, saying that this is the responsibility of tenant companies, but, most likely, prices will be comparable with the Swiss.

Do not forget about one thing and another contrast to Switzerland, for us rather unpleasant. Between Moscow and Luxembourg there is no direct passenger flights. Russian transport companies fly there, for example, our AirbridgeCargo. And all those who do not use private aviation will need to get a transplant. But on the whole vexed question with a direct flight is under control and is likely to be resolved in the future.

The approach to the presentation was largely instructive. In the small EU countries rated AAA and a half years called private enterprise - without any government involvement. However, the Government believes that a useful thing - and creates the right image, creates jobs and supports all Freeport as a factor in the development of related industries. And the presentation of the object in the country focusing potential customers spend (attention), Ambassador and Minister of Economy of Luxembourg. Here's level. Felt that government people care. And then for some reason reminded of another story. When a friend is already very large, state gala press conference on the occasion of the country's major antique fairs - Antique Salon. Going to a full house, waiting for the representatives of the Ministry of Culture, not the minister. In vain: no one comes in bureaucratic people more urgent.

The reception was asked in the spirit: can stake out a place in advance and send things to the completion of Freeport? Freeport's representative explained that assist can temporarily place items collectors in other capacities. Of course, the audience was interested in the stability and maximum storage items. Practically it is limited to the lease of land for Freeport with the state - 30 years. Next it will be extended - it's true, the minister of the economy? Most likely, but this is not necessary to me, - joked the Luxembourg Minister. 30 years, minus two years of construction - well, then the bread. With our then-stability - virtually forever.

presentation of Luxembourg visited Freeport
Vladimir Bogdanov and Konstantin Babulin AI

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