Art Investment

Arts on TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture")

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of art, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") next week

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of art, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") on the next week.

March 26, Monday

12:15 - TV program "Scenic rebellion. Aristarchus Lentulov. " By the 130th anniversary of the birth ( (Russia, 2007). Writer Yuri Shevchenko

Aristarchus V. Lentulov (1882-1943) belongs to a generation of artists who were in the early twentieth century, the kernel of shocking society "Jack Jack. "about them Alexander Benois said:" Today's Scarecrow eventually become classics. "But even these" Scarecrow "was considered the most daring experimenter Lentulov. It's not just that he has long been a staunch cubofuturists, views and character close Vladimir Mayakovsky . Lentulov compared with the Russian Yarily, the god of spring fertility. by expression colors, picturesque rebellion he was not equal. Lentulov distinguished himself in the easel painting, and as a theater artist, designer, and as a great teacher.

He died in 1943, during the war, and lost much of its heritage is still recovering.

The film included shooting in Penza - on Lentulov home, as well as in the suburban village of artists Sands, where the artist spent his last years.

17:05 - television program of the series "World of Art by Sergei Diaghilev» (Russia, 2007). Director Elena Plugatireva

in 2006 celebrated 100 years since then, both began the famous "Russian Seasons" in Paris. Europe was shocked to see Russian paintings to hear Russian music. Since then, every Parisian Spring brings new discoveries in the Russian ballet and opera. It was then that began the glory of the singer Fyodor Chaliapin, ballerina Anna Pavlova, Tamara Karsavina, dancers and choreographers Michel Fokine, Vaslav Nijinsky and artists Alexander Benois, Leon Bakst , Nicholas Roerich , composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev. success of Russian culture that must Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev, who saw the purpose of his life promoting Russian art in the world.

participate in the program: Roman Viktyuk, , Ph.D., Boris Averin, a professor of Academy of Performing Arts of St. Petersburg Leo Gitelman, choreographer Nikita Dolgushin, writer Alexander Laskin, an art historian, director of the Arts Diaghilev Tatiana St. George .

Part 1: 'St Petersburg - Paris ». The first series is devoted to the student years of Sergei Diaghilev: his friendship, dating, first successes and sorrows.

March 27, Tuesday

14:05 - television program of the series "The Fifth Dimension." author and host of the cycle - the Pushkin Museum director Irina Antonova

About « Artist's Book /Livre d'Artiste. Spanish collection. from meeting George Gens and Boris Fridman » (February 1 - March 25, 2012). First in the Department of Private Collections Pushkin Museum. Pushkin presents works of six prominent twentieth-century Spanish artists: Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, Juan Gris, Anthony and Anthony Tapesa clave in the genre "book artist» - livre d'artiste.

17:05 - television program of the series "World of Art by Sergei Diaghilev» (Russia, 2007). Director Elena Plugatireva

Part 2: «Pushkin Education». Bogdanov - Pskov Filosofov family estate. Here Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev went to defend their own views at art. This area then call decadence. Bogdanov was close to the holy mountain, which we now call the Pushkin. Sergei Diaghilev liked the poetry of Pushkin, and not by chance that one of the first "Russian Seasons" was devoted to Pushkin.

March 28th, Wednesday

14:05 - a documentary film in the series "Beauty, City of Peter! » (Russia, 2011)

Architects Andrei Mikhailov, Hippolyte Monighetti, Andrei Beloborodov. In the middle of the XVIII century French architect Jean- Michel Baptiste Vallin de la Mothe creates Moika Palace for Peter Shuvalov. In 1830 the manor was acquired Yusupov. Mansion rebuilds and "clothe" the latest fashion architect Andrei Mikhailov. In the hands of another architect - Hippolyte Monighetti, the palace was transformed, as the first "dandy" in St. Petersburg. In 1914, Felix Yusupov Jr. invited to the Palace of the architect Andrei Beloborodov beginner. architect reveals he created the room, Alexander Benois, and he says, "Eka, father, and namudrili you're here. It's just what Rocambole- a. anything here, and let happen. "Prophetic words!

17:05 - television program of the series" World of Art by Sergei Diaghilev » (Russia, in 2007). Director Elena Plugatireva

third part: «Citizen Perm». C seven years he lived Sergei Diaghilev in Perm. In the summer the family traveled to the estate Bikbarda. These places, open spaces, local customs shaped the character of Sergei Pavlovich. And much later in handy to him in Paris and a great musical education, and a warm, friendly atmosphere of a large family, and ability with indomitable energy to take on the case.

March 29, Thursday

14:05 - television program of the series "Tretyakov Gallery - a priceless gift!» author and presenter Vladimir Venediktov.

«Treasury ». In the light of a new star and the Magi were beheld the birth of the Savior. They brought the baby Jesus precious gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh. In a sign of the first Christian churches in the gift of precious gifts were brought, and the images of Christ - the icons were decorated with gold, silver , rubies, emeralds, pearls, they created the best masters. Unique works of the masters of gold and silver from the XII to the XX centuries are kept in a single hall of the Tretyakov Gallery - Treasury.

17: 05 - a program of the series "World of Art by Sergei Diaghilev» (Russia, 2007). Director Elena Plugatireva

4th part: "The Triumph». This series is devoted to the magazine "World of Art", which produced Sergei Diaghilev with his friends - Alexander Benois, Dmitry Filosofov, Leon Bakst, Walter Nouvel. and art exhibitions that are organized parallel to the World of Art.

20:45 - television program of the series "Geniuses and Villains» (Russia, 2011-2012). Director Julia Mavrina.

Andy Warhol. In the 1960s, Andy Warhol was one of the most famous artists of America. But the public is not so much attracted to his work as a lifestyle. Scandals , drugs, bold statements in the press - all this to work on the image of the king of pop art. It seemed that he was born and raised in an environment where the atmosphere of reckless partying and eternal holiday. And few know that 20 years ago, Andy Warhol was a different person. Step by step he went to his goal. He put the art on the conveyor. Played human destinies. and did not seem to notice it.

30 March, Friday

14:00 - a documentary film in the series "Letters from the province»

Castle (Chelyabinsk region). The story begins with the city Kasli bookmark iron foundry - Kasli plant is part of the Demidov plants. This is a story about the triumph of Kasli plant at the World Exhibition of Applied Arts in Paris in 1900 year. French hit of the Eiffel Tower, and Kasli master - a huge cast-iron pavilion of the palace of the Byzantine-style project in St. Petersburg a young architect Eugene Baumgarten.

in the film are residents of the city - Gennady Brodyagin, Nicholas Zadorin, Yuri Popov, Alexander Blinov and Sergei Katyshev .

01:55 (after midnight) - a documentary film in the series "The Palaces of Europe" (France, 2004-2006)

Rudolf II, emperor of the Prague-alchemist. The King of Bohemia - the enlightened ruler, one of the greatest philanthropists of his time, patron of art and science of Rudolf II - the period of his reign, made Prague the capital of the empire. At the time of Rudolph lived in Prague eminent European scientists and craftsmen. (Repeat transfer March 31 15:40)

March 31, Saturday

12:00 - a documentary film in the series "Beauty, hail Petrov! » (Russia, 2011)

architect Aleksandr Pel. From the architectural heritage of Alexander Khristoforovich Pel to have survived only a tenth part, although His record in the list is more than five hundred buildings. They called him the architect of the Foundry. It was there that he worked the most, mainly erecting apartment houses. The program tells about one of the earliest works of the architect - the mansion Gagarin - Polovtsov (today it is home of the architect .) Nothing special in a number of other buildings on the Great Sea, this house was not released, although it was built in two steps from St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Mariinsky Palace. But deceptive modesty mansion harbored unexpected. As soon enter, climb the stairs - and the eyes are brought luxury and intricate interiors of bygone centuries ...

participate in the program: architectural historian Boris Kirikov, president of the St. Petersburg Union of Architects, Vice-President of the Union of architects of the Russian Federation, People's Architect of Russia Vladimir Popov, and a descendant of the family Peleus - Natalia Pitsenko .


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