Art Investment

Top-10 Newsweek. Damien Hirst. Sale of unicorns in formaldehyde and skulls encrusted with diamonds

We begin the story of the ten most important artists of our time according to
Damien Hirst

Dream Source:

Online material came on the top 10 artists of our time. Blake Gopnik The author (Blake Gopnik) chose different artists, some well known throughout the world, others would be worth to know better - but all of them, from his point of view, are so good that you are worthy to enter the history books of art. All of them work right now: take part in the Venice Biennale, their works are represented at the fair Art Basel.

living artists, whose main achievements are all the same to the previous decade - Jasper Johns, Richard Serra and others - author of the article at the time offers to leave alone and go to the top ten in our zero.

Damien Hirst - the only artist in the top ten most important writers of our time, which Newsweek has decided in principle not to interview. It is understandable. Well, what can you ask Hirst? It is unlikely that he should ask banal questions like 'How did you so accurately express the essence of the process of buying and selling works of art in your work? As it turned out that all of your career has become a metaphor for the fact that the laws of the consumer society have become the rule of law of our being? "Because that's what - the main achievements of Hirst. They make it really great artist.

Andy Warhol once said: "A successful business - the best art." His Manhattan studio, bearing the proud name of "Factory", put art on its head, rock it to the production of conveyor products. Hurst went even further: he showed that the trade in works of art with inflated, like soap bubbles, auction prices can be the best business for the artist and an art major.

Take, for example, the famous platinum skull encrusted with diamonds. His flashy luxury is not as important as attached to it a price tag with the number Hurst 100 000 dollars, which is rather a universal symbol of the art processes occurring than real for sale. When the skull was sold almost immediately it became clear that he was among the Hearst people who pool their savings to have acquired it, which gave an ironic taste of trading performance.

But the subject of sale is not the only possible interpretation of the diamond skull. He carries the same grim sense that the rest of art "product" Hirst: animal carcasses, dead butterflies, stands with medications. And while, as Hirst creates his objects with infinite irony, the audience, his art evokes the infinite sadness.

Prepared Estrova Maria, AI

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