Art Investment

Investments in the Russian pictorial photography

Photographers pictorial schools have been attacked by the Soviet authorities. Pictures of nudes were banned. Only after a century of work pictorialists were appreciated

question as to which layer of culture - art or non-artistic - refer picture emerged almost simultaneously with the appearance of the photo itself. Initially, her artistry was denied, but as the opening of the new photographic genres, this decision seemed all the more questionable. Some photographers have sought to documentary similarity, through the improvement of photographic equipment and printing methods. Others see a subtext in art blurred silhouettes and blurred. And then there is a unique school of Russian photography - pictorial photography. Pictorialists equated photo to painting and drawing on the artistic significance and called themselves the photo artists.

Photographers pictorial school, he worked mostly in the genre of portraiture, still life and landscape, following the traditions Russian school of painting. This explains the name of the trends: Pictorial from the English. pictorial, which translates as "beautiful, iconic." Imitating the painters, they sought to convey in the photographs representation on reality and not document it. Particular attention is paid photographers plasticity of the human body, female beauty and nudity.

while taking a picture pictorial school used soft focus optics - a monocle, a lens with only one lens. It was he who gave the vagueness of the image. Pictorialists experimented with different techniques of hand printing: gum arabic, ozobromom, bromoylem, pigment and oil seal.

We consider the work of some photographers pictorialism and investment opportunities in the pictorial photograph. Many of the photographers were members and founders of Russian Photographic Society (RFO, 1894-1930), which played a major role in the development of pictorial photography in Russia, in particular the RFO was organized exhibition series "Art Movement" in 1920. Pictorialists tried to capture the motion of the human body in all kinds of art movements: dancing, labor, athletic ...

Moses Nappelbaum (1869-1958) was a master of artistic portraits, genre scenes filmed in the studio. During shooting, he exhibited special lighting, using just one light. Many photographers have tried to adopt his way of shooting. He created a theatrical compositions, scenes of biblical subjects. But in 1930 Nappelbaum was forced to move away from free themes in photography. Later he shot portraits of Soviet culture in the style of realism. Work Nappelbaum 1910-20's were offered at auction Phillips de Pury in London in 2010 with the estimate of 1,000 to 2,000 pounds.

Nikolai Petrov (1876-1940) was not only a photographer, but also the theoretician of photography. It was he who pointed out the main concepts of pictorial photography. Petrov worked at the Bulletin of Photography, founded the Kiev union and amateur photographers, "Daguerre". Favorite subject masters were psychological portraits. One of them, the photograph "Homeless", has found a buyer at Bonhams auction in London in 2008 for 1,320 pounds.

Yuri Eremin (1881-1948) took off as a sophisticated women's portraits and lyrical landscapes. His photographs can easily be called photo pictures. Eremin was a member of board of Russian Photographic Society, founded in Moscow shop "Secession", participated actively in the photographic life. But in 1930 Eremin, like others, left pictorialism: graceful female figures and landscapes changed not at all romantic, but ideologically aware of documentary and reportage pictures from the life of the peoples of Daghestan, Armenia, Svaneti, ie the fact that, according to the authorities those in power, and needed a new Soviet man. In 2008, photographs were exhibited Eremin auction house Bonhams with the estimate of 1 500-3 000 pounds.

pictorialists Nicholas Svishtov-Paola (1874-1964) tried to defer to their pictures plasticity of the human body. When printing he preferred gum arabic and bromoylyu. The second part of the name "Paula" came from the master, after he acquired the studio in 1908 with the name "Paula" in Moscow. It was called then Svishtov, the Paola, and soon the photographer took the hyphenated name. Svishtov Paola was also a board member of RIF. The average auction price for work by photographer - about 1,000 pounds.

Alexander Grinberg
Nude. 1928

The photo Alexandra Greenberg (1885-1979) has a special eroticism and the beauty of nudity. However, Soviet authorities did not like those shots go, it was thought, beyond what is permitted. In 1936, Greenberg was arrested by the NKVD and sentenced on charges of pornography. He was released in 1939 and rehabilitated in 1950. It is interesting to note criticism LA Mezherichera about the pictures of nudes: "... A. Greenberg put up some ugly naked women, apparently not knowing how to not only work, but even diluted primus" (quoted in: VT Stigneev Century photographs 1894-1994. MM: Librokom, 2009. S. 122). In 2008, the auction house Bonhams estimated photographs Greenberg 1920 in size from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds. In the same year, his picture "Naked" (1928) was sold at Bonhams for £ 1,320.

ANATOLY Anatoly Trapani
Sketch. 1915
Source: ​​

pictorialists were talented landscape painter Nikolai Andreev (1882-1947), master of photography Basil Ulitin (1888-1976), known for its rustic scenery Alex Mazurin (1846 - after 1915), a member of the "Young Art" Anatoly Trapani (1881 - after 1930), photographer Sergey Lobovikov peasant life (1870-1941), photographers, Leonid Shokin (1896-1962) and Sergei Ivanov, Alliluev (1891-1979) and many other masters of Russian photography school.

Domovnitsa. 1909-1910
Source: ​​

in 1930 for photographers pictorialists fallen on hard times. Often on the instructions of the various editions of them going on long trips creativity in the country, but the materials brought from these difficult missions, under various pretexts were not taken, turned out to be unnecessary. So a veiled way the authorities tried to remove pictorialists from active photographic activity. Not understood and therefore not accepted the new government, believe that such work is far from contemporary reality and does not enhance the prestige of the Soviet Union, the whole direction of photography has been slowly disappearing from the cultural life. An important and still proved that pictorial photography could not be played printing method: blurred outlines, the game of light and shade disappeared when printing images pictorialists lost with extreme contrast and precise work of masters of other areas. Pictorial photography - with its shadows, the fleeting and reticence - there was no place in the bright socialist future, and if so, then the space in this deprived her at once and completely: in 1930 followed by the defeat of the so-called "old school" - after which the pictorial photography has lost popularity and was forgotten.

In the early 2000's technology pictorial photography again interested photographers. In St. Petersburg there was a so-called "neopiktorialnaya School, where photographers have experimented with various techniques of hand printing neglected. Currently in St. Petersburg, an exhibition of contemporary pictorialists « ​​Pictorial Photography in "ROSPHOTO" ».

in terms of investment in pictorial photography a lot of chances to interest collectors. Photographs are unique not only in a figurative, but in the truest sense. With manual processing of negative (stains, scratching), it is impossible to create two absolutely identical images. Hand printing machinery is so complex that the photos are in single copy, which certainly gives them a special status, the actual output beyond the art of software distribution.

Marina Bondarenko, AI

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