"No War. Art-group was removed from the "Innovation"
February 26, 2011, Saturday, National Center for Contemporary Art has published a statement about the exclusion of "War" from among the nominees VI Award "Innovation"

site about investing in art for an article on "War" - not the right place. Participants to the art of it certainly would not have liked it. After all, money and financial pragmatism - is one of the "red rag" to the creative strategy rebellious community. As well as the ability to work to belong to some private traders, but not all. However, what today is "not about money," through the years can be converted into a valuable collectible material. Everything else, the catalyst of today's conversation, ironically served as money again. More precisely, a bonus "Innovation", which has recently been nominated for "War", and gaining strength scandal.
February 26, 2011, Saturday, National Center for Contemporary Art, published
worse than others. In my opinion, the nomination for the State Prize was carrying a protective function. Useful for the court. In fact, she was "silenced" those who said that "War" has no relation to art. That is, during the investigation itself step NCCA (admission to the awards) was helpful and brave. And now what happens? Activists of the "War" (which was recently released from prison collars and Nikolayev) in fact are not justified, but only released pending trial. Assume that the defense now has lost one of the arguments that are understandable to the court.
«War" - not a dime to please everyone. These guys are caustic, his words do not climb - dispatch go to hell. Many group calls "stylistic differences", someone jealous, someone hears in their statements of non-conformist certain snobbery. But many things she did not take away. And part of the question, what good is this "war", personally I find the following answers:
1. The war hits the critical pain points. It sensitively captures and focuses the issues maturing in society. Whether it's "palace coup" (a police anti-world, flipped upside down), for which they and the judge. Or protest action "X ... nd a prisoner of the KGB (who modestly alter the" Member of the KGB in captivity "and injected into the shortlist in the category" A work of visual art "). Or the crazy action with a blue bucket on his head, "Leon E. .. nuty - our President» (
2. Shares of War "compelling combination of boldness and sacrifice. It's rare in our latitudes, the case when an artist is willing to pay in blood, risk their lives and freedom to bring their ideas. For example, Leonid Nikolayev with a blue bucket on his head, walking on the oncoming lane or crossing the road car FSO: awkward movement - and all. In this case, the activists of War "at risk only to themselves - all campaigns are designed to not hurt anybody from outsiders.
3. Shares "Wars" are not necessarily masterpieces, but they always laid the serious intellectual component. This is not frikovanie, there is always a clear message.
4. Plan, technical organization and discipline on the stocks of War "is admirable. Invent, to calculate the nearest second, not "mislaid" the human factor - it's expensive. Street - no pavilion studio, double rent will not allow.
5. Sincerity-profit format. "War" is known for its denial of commercial components in their art. And there was no reason to doubt. Their art does not embodied in objects, and attention from the glamor did not affect the behavior of activists. This is important. Because there is such a special Russian genre, when you fly from a nonconformist, and in the taverns with the protection of walking. "War" is not so. I hope, will remain.
6. And finally, "War" like that involved in something real, practical. To do something a hundred times more difficult than criticizing the Internet. A "war" is not afraid to "dirty hands". Invests in an active gesture that protest, which many viewers can not afford in real life. By acquired conformism, and you never know why.
Today a new medium (blogs and facebook) rages scenarios: what would now be the "innovation"? The massive failure of other nominees (which is very likely: see
As it is now very nice to me NCCA will wriggle out of this situation - I'll never know.
by Vladimir Bogdanov, AI
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