Art Investment

Only Monet in Poland returned to the museum in Poznan

The painting was stolen 10 years ago. Detect it was only this year

A member of the National Museum in Poznan, shows the painting "Beach in Purvile" Claude Monet

«Beach in Purvile" in 1882 - the only work of Claude Monet in Poland . Since the beginning of the twentieth century the picture was constantly at the National Museum in Poznan. But ten years ago, she was cut from the frame and replaced by a copy. Loss found Sept. 19, 2000, the identity thief could not be established. It was only in January this year, the police came out on the trail vehicle Zvolinsky Robert (Robert Zwolinski) from Olkusz. Fingerprints taken from him in connection with the case of nonpayment of child support, coincided with the imprints left on the frame Monet thief. Soon found himself "Beach in Purvile».

At trial Zvolinsky brought some very interesting reasons for their actions. According to him, he loves the work of French Impressionists admired them in Paris during the seasonal podrabotok. After his wife left him, his life has become empty and meaningless, "and the Impressionists were his only outlet. He threw himself into the book, one of which read about Monet in Poznan. He decided to see the painting at all costs and think about the painting nearly every day ».

autumn 2000 Zvolinsky received permission to sketch in the National Museum in Poznan and during the five-hour session sketches carefully cut out the Monet of the frame with a knife. The museum then was not a good signal, the picture guarded museum employees. According to the technique, the museum ladies chatting in the next room when he cut the picture. He is not afraid of their sudden appearance: heels long heralded for their approximation. In the frame Zvolinsky put up, put it in the original portfolio and calmly walked with him out of the building. Not knowing what to do with the picture further, the thief hid it behind a cupboard in her parents' house. The technician admitted that during all these ten years, he never got out of the work Monet cache. Twice he wanted to surrender, but he lacked courage.

Zvolinsky sentenced to three years in prison. "Beach in Purvile" after restoration finally returned to its accustomed place. Poland again gained its only Monet.

material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI

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