Art Investment

How to sell museum objects?

The project will discuss the reform of the museum in London's National Gallery in May 2011

debate over whether the state museum of the institution to sell artifacts from their collections, being on both sides of the ocean is not the first year. The economic crisis has put some of the museums in a very difficult position, and only this year, media reported several conflicts, some of which ended in court. It became obvious that this problem requires a legislative regulation and the establishment of clear and common to all the rules.

New York bill banning museums to sell their exhibits in order to obtain funds to cover operating costs, rather likely to fail. The proposal caused such a wave of protest from the non-profit institutions, the project sponsor in the Senate, the state withdrew its support.

in the British Museum Island is not officially allowed to sell the artifacts to cover running costs. Nevertheless, there are such cases of public criticism. Manistee, Edward (Edward Manisty) and Julian Smith (Julian Smith) on the pages of The Artnewspaper talk about how the proposed reform provisions relating to the sale of museum exhibits. These proposals will be discussed May 10, 2011 in London's National Gallery.

In particular, it is proposed to create a commission to the registrar, who, guided by expert opinion, make a list of the most important works of art in the collections of public museums. The idea of the authors of the project is the classification of museum exhibits. It is assumed that the works classified as I, can not be withdrawn from the respective assemblies under any circumstances. Works from category II will be allowed to withdraw from the museum collections only in emergency cases. All other exhibits, according to sponsors, should be allowed to sell with minimum formalities.

also proposed to establish a management committee, reporting to the Secretary of State. Together they will make the final decision in each case. The Committee must weigh all the pros and cons of the sale, then make recommendations to the Secretary of State. If the sale is permitted, priority will be given to the museum that is able to buy the product at market price. If a buyer did not immediately appear, the subject will be sold at public auction. The proceeds from the sale of museum objects money should be directed specifically to enrich the collection, rather than plugging holes in the budget, and therefore over their spending will be under control. It is assumed that local authorities will create special funds, which will come from the sale of items.

For private museums and museums in the partial state support, members of the Museum Association to the same rules will be fixed in the updated Code of Ethics.

Edward Manistee and Julian Smith pay attention to the measures proposed to be taken in the event of noncompliance. The authors of the new project, among others, pointed criminalize violators, fines and an injunction against the sale of the exhibits.

See also:

Can a museum artifacts to sell?
Universities do not offer to sell his collection
Court Tennessee Fisk University has banned the sale of rights to its collection of art
Chelsea Museum, New York, temporarily shut down

material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI

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