Art Investment

Italy scored a new victory in the struggle for the return of their cultural heritage at home

Italian police returned to their homeland 337 ancient artifacts.

Italian police returned to their homeland 337 ancient artifacts. Subjects were found in Switzerland. The total value of this collection is about 15 million euros (19.5 million dollars).

collection, including Greek urns and vases, fragments of frescoes, bronze statues and marble sculptures dating to the VIII century of our AD - IV century AD. Objects were illegally excavated and smuggled out of the country.

According to the Italian Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Nistru Giovanni (Giovanni Nistri), «this meeting would be enough to create a dozen museums abroad" .

antiquities was found in a joint operation of Italian police and the authorities of Switzerland. They were found in Geneva, to a Japanese art dealer. Artifacts He returned voluntarily after the police provided him with evidence of their illegal export from Italy. Collection repatriated on June 25. It assumes a consequence, objects come from the ancient Greek colonies in the areas of Lazio, Puglia and Sardinia.

Italy won another victory in the struggle for the return of their cultural heritage at home.

material prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

Source: ,

See also:

Stolen in Italy the artifacts surfaced in meeting one of the leading museums of Spain

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