Art Investment

By the centennial of the output collection "Zadok the judges" in St. Petersburg opened exhibition in Moscow, published a unique album

Today at the Museum of St. Petersburg avant-garde (House Matiushin) opens an exhibition devoted to Russian Futurist Book. Expert Borovkov commented edition of the book-album "Vzorval" (2010)

Today, April 23, at the Museum of St. Petersburg avant-garde (Matiushin House, St. Petersburg, ul. Prof. Popova, 10) presents "The Artist and the text" dedicated to the unique phenomenon in the Soviet artistic culture of the early twentieth century - Russian futuristic book. The exhibition is timed to 100 anniversary of the two brightest and most significant events in the history of St. Petersburg avant-garde: the creation of the Art Association "Union of Youth" and the publication of the first futurist collection "Zadok the judges».

exhibition will be open on November 7 2010.


Memorable date

By the centennial of the output of the first Russian Futurist book titled "Zadok the judges", which marked the birth of Russian Futurism, published a book-length album, titled Vzorval. This title follows the legendary book Alexei Kruchenykh , the first fully lithographed edition of which was done in 1913.

Publication of new edition with descriptions of futuristic book very timely. Last year was widely celebrated a century of Futurism, which originated in Italy. Russia is only a year behind the Italians, but their books, added a lot of new things in design and authoring of the Futurists, far ahead of European countries in the field of futurism. Released in this year's book highlighted only two private meetings, completely belonging to a public repository. This is part of the books from the celebrated collection of poetry by Ivan Rozanov, those caught in the State Pushkin Museum, and the most comprehensive and significant collection of M. Lieberman, stored at the State Museum of VV Mayakovsky.

great interest is the publication of a special rare instance of collective book "Peace and rest", which differs from earlier known from the collection of the RSL. The original needlework cover instance Pushkin Museum is also reproduced for the first time.

One of the advantages of the new edition include many pictures, often reproducing pages of the books that were not previously published in periodicals on Russian avant-garde . Among them are especially distinguished rare Tiflis edition, whose circulation at times of less than 10 copies. Among the shortcomings of the book-album "Vzorval", I think, can be called color and texture of the pages of the edition, which is often lost text and images are blurred. In general, the new anniversary edition is very timely and it will certainly be useful to future researchers Russian avant-garde, along with the already mentioned my earlier books.

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