Art Investment

Viktor Pinchuk joined the Board of Trustees of the MOCA

Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art has announced that the Board of Trustees elected three new members: Peter Brant, Steven Mnuchin and Viktor Pinchuk

Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art ( MuseumofContemporaryArt , MOCA) announced that the Board of Trustees elected three new members: Peter Brant (Peter M. Brant), Steven Mnuchin (Steven T . Mnuchin) and ... Viktor Pinchuk. In view of this supplement total this year of the Trustees of MOCA has increased by 10 persons.

MOCA Board Chair David Johnson (David G. Johnson) said: "Victor Pinchuk - one of the most influential collectors Europe. Peter Brant - one of the most famous American collectors, and Steven Mnuchin widely known throughout the world as a visionary businessman and philanthropist. All they share our strong belief that art should be accessible to the public ».

Peter Brant - a wealthy publisher and CEO Brant Publications Inc., Producing magazines The Magazine Antiques, Art in America, and Interview. In 2009, he opened the center of The Brant Foundation Art Study Center, whose goal is to provide art for scientific study and display. Brant is also a member of the advisory board of The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.

Steven Mnuchin, who heads the holding company OneWest Bank Group, - the collector of the third generation. In addition to the Los Angeles MOCA, he is also on the board of trustees of the Whitney Museum of American Art, and formerly also of the Council of Trustees of the Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

Viktor Pinchuk is one of the biggest Ukrainian businessmen and is the owner of one of the largest collections of contemporary art in the world . In his collection are works by Jeff Koons (Jeff Koons), Damien Hirst (Damien Hirst), Andreas Gursky (Andreas Gursky) and Takashi Murakami (Takashi Murakami). In September 2006, he opened the first in Ukraine Center for Contemporary Art-PinchukArtCentre, where this year was a large-scale retrospective exhibition of Damien Hirst " Requiem ». Among other achievements Pinchuk - Institution Prize for Young Ukrainian Artists , as well as another Prize for contemporary art, but international, - The Future Generation Art Prize .

Material prepared Ekaterina Guseva, AI

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