Art Investment

PinchukArtCentre established a prize for young Ukrainian artists

PinchukArtCentre announced the establishment of the first in Ukraine to private prize in the field of contemporary art award for young Ukrainian artists

PinchukArtCentre announces the establishment of a national prize in the field of contemporary art award for young Ukrainian artists. Award PinchukArtCentre - the first in Ukraine private prize, whose aim is to create, maintain and develop a new generation of young Ukrainian artists.

According to Eckhard Schneider, Director General PinchukArtCentre: «In establishing the prize, PinchukArtCentre seeks to promote interest in contemporary art, and create a" critical mass "of young artists, opening up new names for Ukraine and all over the world. Award PinchukArtCentre should help to make Kiev in one of the largest cultural centers of the modern world, where not only exposed, but are born and the best works of modern art. We believe that a new generation of artists in the Ukraine there, and we believe in the future ».

PinchukArtCentre Prize will be awarded the best Ukrainian artists under the age of 35 every two years, beginning in 2009. Competitors in the competition can become the artists working in all genres of modern art. The procedure for the selection of nominees will be open. Feed works in competition will be exclusively for on-line via the program website: prize.pinchukartcentre . org . Call for applications begins November 10, 2008.

Under PinchukArtCentre Prizes awarded Grand Prize, two special prizes, as well as the «Prize of the public»:

• The main prize PinchukArtCentre - 100 thousand hryvnia and paid internships in the workshops leading artists of the world;

• Two Special Awards PinchukArtCentre - to 25 thousand hryvnia each paid internships, and workshops of the leading artists in the world;

• «Prize Public» - 10 thousand hryvnia. The winner will be determined by vote of visitors PinchukArtCentre, in which the exhibition will be 12 participants short-list.

Dmitry Logvin, executive director PinchukArtCentre, Project Manager Award PinchukArtCentre: «A young Ukrainian artists, new unique opportunities and incentives for development - in fact even before the announcement of the winners of the Prize on 12 short-list of participants will present their work at a special exhibition in PinchukArtCentre, one of the most visited European art centers. Also, it is important that all internships will be selected individually depending on the genre and technique, in which the artist ».

One artist (or group of artists) can put on a competition between 3 and 7 works. Applications for participation are submitted in accordance with the rules of the Prize PinchukArtCentre. Primary selection of works will be implemented by the expert commission, which includes: Eckhard Schneider (CEO PinchukArtCentre), Petro Doroshenko (art director), Alexander Soloviev (curator). In accordance with the decision of the Commission will be formed short-list of 12 candidates. Their work will be presented at a special exhibition in PinchukArtCentre.

Holders of the main and special awards are determined by the International Jury Prize PinchukArtCentre, which is formed of the world's experts in the field of contemporary art - artists, museum directors, curators and critics. Composition of the Jury will be announced at the opening exhibition of works by participants in short-list. The decision will be taken by simple majority vote of the members of the International Jury. The winner in the nomination «The prize public» will be determined by vote of visitors to the exhibition project Prizes.


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