Art Investment

In London, will premiere a play about Mark Rothko

The role of the artist will perform the famous actor Alfred Molina

8 December in London will premiere a play by John Logan (John Logan)« Red ", whose main character is a famous abstract expressionist, creator of" pulsating color fields » Mark Rothko (Mark Rothko, 1903-1970) . The role of the artist will be performed by actor Alfred Molina (Alfred Molina), known mainly because of the film "Frida", in which he played another great painter, Diego Rivera (Diego Rivera).

«I need was an actor who has not only extraordinary skill, but also an unusual appearance - the director says the play Grendidzh Michael (Michael Grandage). - In Rothko's appearance was incredible: a large round head, a massive figure - it was impossible not to draw attention. "

addition to the impressive appearance, Molina and Rothko together more and the fact that both of them - immigrants. The artist (whose real name is Marcus Rothkovich) was born in the Latvian city Dvinsk family pharmacist. In the early twentieth century in Czarist Russia was rampant anti-Semitism, and Rothkovich, realizing that the homeland remains dangerous, in 1913 moved to the States. So they managed to avoid the atrocities that happened in Europe - although the anti-Semites and the new place was enough, so Rothko often felt excluded. Molineux this experience familiar: he was born in London, but from childhood felt "not like everyone else": his father was a Spaniard and an Italian mother. In 17 years, the actor went to the United States, where he managed to make a good career in Hollywood. Molyneux often suggest the role of foreigners. According to the actor, he was always interested in stories about immigrants and outsiders.

play by John Logan affects only one period of Rothko's life - the end of 1950, when the artist worked on the paintings intended for the exclusive New York restaurant Four Seasons. Owners of establishments promised to pay him a fantastic sum for those times at three million dollars - but when the order was almost ready, Rothko returned unexpectedly advance and refused to give the canvas. What was linked this decision? The most common version is that the painter, leftist militants, thought that his paintings are worth more than an ornament to the place where they have dinner, as he puts it, "rich bastards».

One of the main themes of the play is the relationship Rothko with his young assistant, played by Eddie Redmeyn (Eddie Redmayne). His character embodies a new generation of artists - the very young punks that should erase the patriarchs from the Earth. This theme is very impressed with Molina. "I am 56 years old - he says - and my generation of actors will soon have to give way to young. It is time to pass the baton ».

preparing for the role, Molina read many books about the artist. "[Looking at his photos], I thought that [Rothko] was a man who preferred peace. He was not one who is constantly in motion. Here are Diego Rivera was also large, but, nevertheless, moved constantly. Rothko And vice versa. Seemed to me that he was very reserved and often "left to itself," [he was more interested in spiritual] than corporal ».

Once Rothko wrote that the painting" come alive " only when the viewer "supplements" to their feelings and ideas. According to Molina, it can be said about the actor's craft, which is a "collaboration with the audience." And without the participation of the viewer or work of art, or acting work "does not exist».

Source: ft . com ,

PS On the life and work of Mark Rothko can be read here.

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