Art Investment

Owner of stolen portraits Warhol refused insurance

Collector Richard Weisman - created by the owner of Andy Warhol's portraits of famous athletes who have been stolen in September from his mansion in Los Angeles - refused to pay the insurance compensation for the 10 entries

collector Richard Weisman (Richard Weisman) - The newly created by Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol) portraits of famous athletes who were stolen in September from his mansion in Los Angeles , - refused to pay the insurance compensation for the 10 entries. The move has caused considerable surprise the public, because the paintings were insured for 25 million dollars. However, Weissman said he expected such a reaction, and explained that he has at his reasons. He did not want to insurance agents investigated his personal records and questioned his friends and relatives. "They turn you into a suspect. And I finally told them that "not going to make it in the next three to five years." This is the only reason, and sufficiently weighty ", - confessed Weisman. He also noted that he had enough money to survive this loss.

Because the owner refused to pay, the insurance company recently withdrew Chartis announced a reward of one million dollars for the return of stolen works. Told the representatives of the Police in Los Angeles.

Police Detective Donald Gritsik (Donald Hrycyk) said that at the crime scene was found a few clues, but did not specify whether the suspect anyone in particular theft.

Recall that on September 3 disappearance of the paintings hanging in the dining room, the nurse found a family of Vaisman. Himself a collector at that time was in Seattle. A total of 11 works stolen Warhol - a set of ten portraits of sports stars such as Pele (Pele), OJ Simpson (OJSimpson), Jack Nicklaus (Jack Nicklaus) and Dorothy Hamill (Dorothy Hamill), as well as the portrait of Richard Wiseman .

This kit silkscreen collector commissioned Warhol in 1977 in eight copies, ie, only 80 paintings. And each set of ten portraits was unique - the artist depicted athletes, using different colors. All together Weisman paid 800 thousand dollars, and his own portrait, he received a gift from the author, who was a friend.

Two of the eight sets Weissman subsequently gave universities. Another was sold on the hands of athletes, and another - for various sports halls of fame. Thus, the collector himself remained four sets. At least until September this year.

Weisman said he was shocked by the news of the theft and immediately flew to Los Angeles: "The house was all in their places, even no ashtrays are not overturned. But still feel that someone has invaded your personal space. And this is not a pleasant feeling. Especially when you look at the blank wall with a bare hook. According to the collector, had access to the house of his ex-wife and son of sixteen, as well as housekeeper and nanny. But all of them Weissman had full confidence and eliminates their possible involvement in the crime. He added that the house alarm system was installed, but at the time she was disabled. "Unfortunately, this sometimes happens - confessed Weisman. - Especially when the home periodically come and go».

Owner of stolen masterpieces considering two possible scenarios. Or after a while someone will call and demand a ransom, or "athletes" osyadut in a private collection somewhere in the Middle East or Russia.

However, Detective Gritsik with him not quite agree. When kidnap such famous works of art, often you just need to wait until they again failed to appear. After all, the offender would not be as easy to sell to the hands on the legal market of such a level. And the suggestion that some billionaire wants to buy them illegally and secretly kept by themselves, more appropriate in a detective novel than in life. "From my own experience I can assure that people with power and money for the purchase of works of art are sure: the artistic values need to emphasize their high status. And they are unlikely to want to hide them away, "- said Gritsik.

article prepared by Catherine Onuchina, AI

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