Art Investment

Seminars for investors and art dealers. Schedule for September

ARTinvestment.RU continuing program of seminars for investors and art dealers

ARTinvestment.RU and the company «Art Finance» (a subsidiary of Gazprombank's Specialized - ) conducting seminars for investors and art dealers.

Schedule for September 2009

Workshop number 1. «Works of art as an object of investment. The principles and features of investing in art »

Two-day: 8-9 September 2009

Time: 19:00-22:00

Price: 6000 rubles

Report of its intention to participate in the seminar need to September 3.

seminar number 2. «Buying and selling artwork»

Date: September 22, 2009

Time: 19:00-22:00

Price: 3000 rubles

Report of its intention to participate in the seminar need to September 17.

Workshop number 3. «Promotion of the artist at the Art Market»

Date: September 29, 2009

Time: 19:00-22:00

Price: 3000 rubles

Report of its intention to participate in the seminar need to September 24.

Report of its intention to participate in seminars, you can call a consultant on the phone 7 (495) 632-16-81 or send mail to .

Classes are: Vice-President of Gazprombank, the general director of «Art Finance» M. Sitnina leading specialist Center «Art Banking» Gazprombank E. Molchanov, chief editor of the site ARTinvestment.RU Bogdanov, commercial Director of Site ARTinvestment.RU K. Babulin.

Seminars are not integrated into the course, each of whom is independent and focuses on a particular topic.

familiar with the program of seminars, please click here .

Brief reports of organizers (with photos) and the feedback from participants in previous workshop number 1 (June 2009) and the seminar number 2 (July 2009) can be read on the forum ARTinvestment.RU .

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