Art Investment

April 12, opened the 24 Russian Antique Salon

More than 200 galleries submitted their exposure to the ordinary Russian antiques fair at the Central House of Artists. Salon will be held from 12 to 20 April.

More than 200 galleries have submitted their exposure to the ordinary Russian antiques fair at the Central House of Artists. At the press conference was made by Bo Knadson, the special guest of the Salon, the President of the International Confederation of Associations of art dealers. 12 experts accredited to the Confederation of Russian antiques and art dealers, received diplomas after the press conference. Salon will be held from 12 to 20 April.


Russian artists abroad . The display of foreign art Boris Grigoriev, M. Larionov, Natalia Goncharova, Alexander Yakovlev. Unique selfportrait N. Leger-Hodosevich created during the French Resistance Movement, will complement the overall picture of the diversity of styles and directions of Russian emigration, the first half of XX century.

Organized by: Gallery «Elysium».

European painting XVI-XVII centuries, . The exhibition features a collection of paintings XVI-XVII century, such prominent Western European artists as Kerings A., K. van der Lanen, GP Verbryugen.

Organized by: Gallery «Old masters».

royal and grand objects - relics of pre-revolutionary Russia . On the stand works of art, furniture, decorative and applied arts of the era of «Golden Age» of Russian history - from its own plate service of Empress Elizabeth, fire watches her Imperial Majesty the era of Catherine II; decorative porcelain vase in the style of «second Rococo» Oranienbaumskogo from the palace.

Organized by: Gallery «Russian manor».

eggs Imperial Porcelain Factory . The exhibition - a few hundred unique porcelain Easter eggs. Becoming one of the essential attributes of the Easter celebrations, the imperial court, Easter eggs from «guilelessly Russian gifts» become a separate sphere of high art.

Organizer: Salon «Orthodox antique».

exhibition from private collections in Moscow and St. Petersburg. «Tube & Bottle» . The exhibition is devoted to images of human weaknesses and bad habits in the Russian and European painting and graphics.

Organized by: Gallery «Albion».

Flowers and Fruit . Still life - one of the favorite types of artists, namely, it presents the special exhibition «Flowers and Fruits». The exhibition reflects the development of the genre of still life in the works of Russian artists of the XX century. Works by Yuri Annenkov, O. Brazil, A. Lentulov, N. Udaltsova, A. Yumasheva, E. Steinberg.

Organized by: Gallery «On Lenivke».

from Russian-style - to the Russian Art Nouveau . The exhibition features an exclusive furniture designs modern artists E. Polenov, S. Malyutina, V. Vasnetsov, A. Zinovieva. The exhibition is dedicated to Tenisheva M. (1858-1928) - philanthropist, art collector, painter of decorative art.

Organized by: Gallery «Russian project» and Art Center «Alekseevskii Compound».

Interior era of Historicism . The core of the exhibition is the furniture of mahogany, referring to the period of Alexander II. Set belonged to a famous collector of Western European charts I. Goldberg. The presence of the pair of floor mirrors, two sofas and a large number of chairs suggests that served to set the situation Ceremonial Hall. Represents a set of collector's interest and curiosity as a model of high-quality furniture mid XIX century.

Organized by: Gallery «LST Moscow».

exhibition of paintings . Kuznetsov, N. «Begonia and clay handicrafts figures». The painting, created in 1917, exhibited at the exhibition of «Knave of Diamonds».

Organized by: Gallery «Mayak».

Unique pictures of Mikhail Larionov . Album scale outline, M. Larionov belongs to the 1920 th year - the beginning of the French period in the life of the artist. Album sketches were initially working on more fundamental things, such as «Standing naked with his hands up», a picture, which is exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Organized by: Gallery «SCHATZ` I ».

Artists and Art . The project is devoted to Russian art of emigration the first half of XX century. On display are the work of the most well-known artists, will the fate caught up in exile, among them: K. Korovin, N. Feshin F. Malyavin, A. Yakovlev, S. Kolesnikov, K. Gorbatov, A. Isupov, Sergei Zhukovsky, A. Altman et al

Organized by: Gallery «Maricevic Fine Art».

Natura fine properties . Nature of fine properties - this is a cozy, warm and intimate world of nature, which are born in the floral compositions OV Favorskogo and landscape watercolors VD Derviz. Dedication over the last decades of XIX century and early XX-th, they support and reinforce the kind of very sincere in his refinement of art, which is an interesting parallel cool refined delicacies of modernism.

Organized by: Gallery «GO ST «

French Impressionists . Gallery of Western European art of the late XIX - early XX century, presents works by C. Monet, P. Renoir, Degas E., A. Sisleya, P. Picasso, M. Chagall and many others.

Organized by: Gallery «school».

Russian Paris . Paris Exhibition of works by Russian artists of the first wave of emigration. The exhibition presents works by K. Korovin, A. Altman, A. Lanskoe, M. Kikoin, K. Tereshkovicha, BI Bessonov, N. Kharitonov, E. Zubchenko, as well as paintings of the French Impressionists.

Organizer: Vladimir Kaplunova gallery

Women's image in the art of the first half of XX century . The exhibition features paintings, drawings and sculpture by well-known Russian and Western European artists. The idea is to «mixed» displaying works of artists from different countries, which demonstrates the interpenetration of ideas, styles and techniques in the picturesque Russian and European art. It works by M. Akselrod, I. Bilibin, J. Pine, R. Falk, A. Fonvizina.

Organizer: Gallery 2. 36.

collection of antique cash registers . Private collection of old cash registers late XIX - early XX century


Art dynasty Petrovichev . The exhibition devoted to PI Petrovichev and his two daughters (Nina and Olga Petrovichev). The exhibition brings together two generations of creativity, and allows you to examine the relationship stories, art rooms and genres, as well as the identity of each of the artists.

Organized by: Gallery «Classic genre».

Russian kosmizm and the fate of the artist . Creativity BA Smirnov-Rusetsky. The exhibition features paintings by BA Smirnov-Rusetsky (1905-1993 gg.) - Russian artist, disciple and follower of Roerich, a member of a group of artists-kosmistov «Amaravella».

Organized by: Gallery «Vellum».

Israel Lizak: Last Hero . The exhibition presented paintings of outstanding and brilliant artist Israel Lizaka (1905 - 1974), create your own unique style and manner.

Organizer: Galeyev gallery.

Special Project

Russian modernism. The Cabinet of fin-de-siecle (CHA, 2 floor, room 15)

Cabinet - personal area, safe from the reality and at the same time a place of audacious dreams, ambitious plans and great ideas for the inevitable «frontier» moments of history.

Exposure Cabinet fin-de-siècle - an attempt to translate the tense emotional mood, consisting of a disturbing premonition and vague visions of future past. Picture of the world the end of the era embody the best of Russian art from the regional museum collections late 19 - early 20 centuries., Including mystical «sublunary» landscapes A. Golovin, K. Somova carryings images, allegorical fantasy S. Sudeikin, exotic scenes and Boris Grigoriev sculptures of pagan goddesses M. Vrubel.

Organized by: Foundation for Art, Moscow, fund interregional projects.

Participants: Regional Art Museum, Ivanovo, Tver Region Picture Gallery, Kostroma State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.


Top List XXIV Russian Antiquarian Salon

Painting and Graphics

  • A. Altman (1885-1950) «dam». Oil on canvas. 65 × 80 (Gallery of Vladimir Kaplunova) Antonov EI «Cases collective-farm». 1958. Oil on canvas. 54 × 86 (Gallery «Antey»)

  • Antonov EI «Portrait of a girl on a background of colored draperies». 1958. Oil on canvas. 110 × 75, 5 (Gallery «Antey»)

  • Bebutova E. «Mausoleum of Sultan Suludzhara. Merv ». Paper, mixed technique. 51, 5 × 42 5 (Art Division Ltd. «AVRORA»)

  • Benoit A. «Evening on the Sea». 1890-1910. Paper on cardboard, watercolor. 32, 5 × 50 (Antique Salon «art and antiquities»)

  • Gribkov SI «Sleeping (The scene in the seraglio)«. 1864. Oil on canvas. 38 × 46 (Antique Salon «art and antiquities»)

  • Grigorev BD «Portrait of the artist in Moscow art theater stage roles». (Presumably: KS Stanislavsky as Famusova) 1923-1924 biennium. Paper, graphite pencil, watercolor. 50, 3 × 38 (Gallery «Elysium»)

  • Kuznetsov N. (1876-1970) «begonia and clay handicrafts figures». 1917. Oil on canvas. 73 × 60 (Gallery of Painting and Drawing «Lighthouse)

  • Lanskoe A. «Painting Goodbye». 1966. Oil on canvas. 100 × 80, 5 (International art-gallery «Eritazh»)

  • Leopold Syurvazh «Man in the city». 1919. Oil on canvas. 54 × 81 (Gallery «Elysium»)

  • Makovsky VE «Friday. For charka ». 1906. Wood, oil. 41 × 25, 7 (Albion Gallery)

  • Nadia Leger «Self. La partisane ». 1942. Oil on canvas. 73 × 115 (Gallery «Elysium»)

  • Anonymous. The Dutch school of painting. «Pub». Kon. XVII-beginning. XVIII century. Wood, oil. 40 × 50 (Albion Gallery)

  • Anonymous. Terms Egbert Van Hemskerka. «Smokers in pub». Wood, oil. 38, 2 × 38, 2. The end of XVII - the beginning. XVIII century. (Albion Gallery)

  • Notterman, Zechariah «Two monkey playing cards». Wood, oil. 32, 8 × 26, «monkey that's trying tobacco». Wood, oil. 33 × 26, 4. Third quarter. XIX century. (Albion Gallery)

  • Petrovichev PI «Dome of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra». 1916. Oil on canvas. 55 × 74 (Classics of the genre)

  • Petrovichev PI «Mill. Malakhovka ». 1930. Oil on canvas. 23 × 45 (Classics of the genre)

  • Petrovichev PI «Crossing of the River Volga». 1937. Oil on canvas. 100 × 200 (Classics of the genre)

  • Petrovichev NP «Hot Key». Cardboard, oil. 39 × 52 (Classics of the genre)

  • Petrovichev NP «Southern bouquet». 1947. Oil on canvas. 63, 5 × 60 (Classics of the genre)

  • Pinelli A. «The Italian peasant and shepherd». 1840. Paper, watercolor. 21 × 19 (Art Division Ltd. «AVRORA»)

  • Polyakov S. «Abstract Composition». 1966-1967. Oil on canvas. 92 × 73 (International art-gallery «Eritazh»)

  • Serge Feral (Rudnev, own. Yastrebtsov SN) «Still life with fish». 1921-1925. Paper, gouache. 63 × 27, 5 (Gallery «Elysium»)

  • Sokolov PP «The hunt for the wolf». Until 1897. Oil on canvas. 22 × 31 (Shining Path)

  • Solohub LR «Winter landscape». 1920-s. Oil on canvas (Natalina collection)

  • Sorogin GP «Reading». 1949. Oil on canvas, cardboard, oil. 49 × 62 (Gallery «Antey»)

  • Turzhansky L. «Thunderstorm leaves». 1910. Cardboard, oil. 12, 2 × 26, 7 (Gallery «Antey»)

  • Chestnyakov EV collection of watercolors. 1905-1910. (Natalina collection)

  • Sharshunov S. «Sanctuary». 1951. Oil on canvas. 81 × 65 (International art-gallery «Eritazh»)

  • A. Yakovlev
  • «Colon Bechara». 1924. Oil on canvas on cardboard, tempera. 38 × 53, 5 (Gallery «Elysium»)

Applied art

  • dish with the words «May 1st, 1923 «. 1923. GFZ. Porcelain, nadglazurnaya painting, gilding, tsirovka. 36 × 26, 5 (Shining Path)

  • Vase «Collection Cotton». L. Blak. 1939. LFZ. Murals podglazurnaya and nadglazurnaya. B.-33, 4 (Shining Path)

  • Werner A. (1865-1911) Sculpture «Alexander III». Russia, St. Petersburg. 1890. Bronze, casting, golden patina. B.-74, 2 (Gallery «Years Old, Moscow»)

  • collection of Easter eggs. St. Petersburg. Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1850-1880-s. The beginning of the twentieth century. W.-11 (Orthodox Antic. Galina Oistrakh Private Collection)

  • Sculpture «ford». Timashev AE 1880. Imperial Porcelain Factory. China. W.-34 (Antique Salon «Among collectors»)

  • Sculpture «Voting». Brzhezitskaya AD 1948-1949. Dulevsky Porcelain Factory. China. W.-26 (Antique Salon «Among collectors»)

  • Sculpture «A man with the devil to play the game». Debris AP 1955. Dmitrov Porcelain Factory. China. (Antique Salon «Among collectors»)

  • Bowl. China. Jade, silver, gilding, carving. AD - 17 cm (Alexander Dubrovin)

  • cup and saucer «Canal Moscow-Volga». Kharitonov IM 1934. Dmitrov Porcelain Factory. China. V.-6, D-17 (Antique Salon «Among collectors»)

Art of the East

  • bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. China, the period of KANU. XVIII century. Mark Yunle period (1403-1424 gg.). Copper alloy, casting, gilding. Height - 39, 5 cm (Alexander Dubrovin)

  • vase with blooming sakura, crown and monogram «D». Signed: Satsuma Dzyukan Sy. Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912). Faience, painted iron nadglazurnaya paints, enamels, gilding. B. - 71 cm (Private Collection «Köhl»)

  • Figurine «Borets Sumo». Workshops Milo. Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912). Bronze, patinirovanie, gilding (Little Japan)

  • Bowl. China. XVIII century. Jade, silver, gilding, carving. AD - 17 cm (Alexander Dubrovin)


  • chest of drawers with gilt bronze and ebony inserts. St. Petersburg, workshop J. Maher. End of the XVIII century. (Russian country estate)

  • Muller B.
  • transforming chair-bed (in assembled form, and folding). 1932. Tree. 101 × 90 × 85cm. (Gallery «Russian avant-garde 10-30s»)

carpets, tapestries

  • Gobelin «The history of four continents. Asia ». Circa 1720. Brussels. Silk, wool. 329 × 597

  • Carpet. Turkmenia. Mary-Teke. 1910. Wool, vorsovoe weaving. 235 × 390. (Art de vivre. Antique rugs)


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