Art Investment

Baranov-Rossini - Russian avant-garde artist

Name Baranova-Rossine many years was known mainly to specialists, who studied the history of Russian avant-garde. The ups and downs of fate, as well as the fact that much of the work was kept in the family of the artist, not contributing to their populari

Up to 25 November at the Museum of the Pushkin Museum of Private Collections them. Alexander Pushkin at Volkhonka, 10, last exhibition «Vladimir Baranov-Rossini - Russian avant-garde artist», which presents a unique work of the museum and private collections. Shulimov-Wolf Baranov, Vladimir Davidovich Baranov, Daniel Rossini finally, Vladimir Davidovich Baranov-Rossini. 1888-1944. Man surprising and tragic fate. There was as a painter in Paris, worked at the «hive», friends with Chagall, Tsadkinym, Soutine, Arkhipenko. In 1917, back in the revolutionary Russia, worked in the Division of Fine Arts Narkomprosa, taught, designed the first anniversary of October in Petrograd, worked on a revolutionary panel, designed productions of Meyerhold. In 1925 th, when they started to delay nuts, disappointed, returned to the beloved Paris that, it turned out to live in straitened circumstances, and then in the 1943-meters to test the deportation of Jews, and after a year die in the Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz).

Name Baranova-Rossini for many years was known mostly to specialists, studied the history of Russian avant-garde. Of fortune, as well as the fact that much of the work was kept in the artist's family, not contributing to the popularity. But at the beginning of our century, everything has changed: in 2002, the exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery, and then - get acquainted with the work at the State Russian Museum. But probably not much mistaken in saying that the name «shot» at Sotheby's in 2004, when the transition kubistichesky «Still life with chair» 1911 went under the hammer for 1,050 million dollars. In those days it was an outstanding event for Russian art sales and has received high attention. By the way, the famous still-life, too, is on display running the exhibition. However, do not be so loud the case would be different: Creativity Baranova-Rossini started triumphantly return to Russia.

Experts note that in their search for Parisian artist tried almost all avant-garde currents, including cubism, kubofuturizm, abstraction and surrealism. Earlier was the way the academic landscape, and almost inevitable for an artist in those years Postimpressionism. His «Izmayil» Baranov, Rossini did not invent, but within the framework drawn up during his work evident by its originality. One of the features of the current exhibition - a chance to see sculptures Baranova-Rossini, which are little known layer of creativity and so rare, that have long been regarded as lost. Interestingly, in sculpture from Baranova was almost the most innovative role: even in 1910-ies he was almost the first self-designed and painted sculptures, which were documented. Thirst for manufacturability manifested not only in the fine arts: Baranov, a Renaissance painter, was fascinated by innovation. And all of his discoveries related to the nature of light and color. On account of Artists invention precursor svetomuzyki «optophone», apparatus for determining the quality of precious stones «fotohronometra», coloring invisible «chameleon», later turned into a military camouflage, and even the machinery for the production gazirovki. Unfortunately, all these inventions did not bring prosperity artist, during his lifetime, they remain unclaimed.

artistic heritage preserved Baranova-Rossini relatively small. By some estimates, it amounts to little more than 500 paintings and drawings, and not all of them are valuable experimental period. So any opportunity to see his work - an event for connoisseurs of the artist. Moreover, - exhibition, which was able to collect items from private collections in France and the Russian museums. For a number of entries, the exhibition has been very strong. Among the outstanding works of it may be noted, for example, pictures «Eva» (1912) and «Kuzina flowers» (1912. Canvas, oil. 130,5 x 161. Tsaripova collection of VV). Vision focuses on the work of «Adam and Eve» (1912) and colored terrain «dance» (1914), also received the exhibition from the private collection.

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