Art Investment

The person of the week: Dasha Delone

Delaunay to a greater extent than anyone-либо from contemporary artists, can be described as expressive personality. Her work, her life — is the obvious ability to Express themselves clearly

World Daria Delaunay multifaceted: sometimes he is frighteningly serious, sometimes dreamy-грустен, brooding, menacing sardonicus or (

Daria Delaunay — and painter, and printmaker, and sculptor (work can be seen regularly at exhibitions in Russia and abroad). She and Potter (1994-м became art-директором ceramics Studio), and schedule book, and the publisher (in 2006-м together with Lisa Plavinskaya's organized publishing format Small press "Good books", which is constantly experimenting with formats, being one of the pioneers of such genres as poetry with pictures, e-books, 3D, Zine, and Zine-партитуры), and poet. And in 2008-м Daria Delaunay again together with Lisa Plavinskaya's and with the support of the Zverev center of contemporary art opened a gallery Everything-Is-Art (

Daria Delaunay was born in 1970 in Moscow. Studied art in several art schools and workshops by Boris Trofimov, Irina Borisova.

Since 1991, the Delaunay is a member of the International Association of art IAA / AIAP.

Since 1996 worked as a graphic designer, artist-графиком and painter.

In the early 1990-х Daria Delaunay and her friends founded a nonconformist group of "Three oranges". Today — thirty years later — idea transformed into a community "Art — is everything!" which includes more than 800 members, "United solely by the dissimilarity to the surrounding art of nature" (Lisa Plavinskaya).

Daria's Paintings resemble illustrations for fairy tales, they are like colorful dreams, their stories abstract. Critics consider the film to this third wave of Russian avant-garde, the very existence of which is also very conditional. The author of the term "third Russian avant-garde," art historian and critic Lisa Plavinskaya defines it as "a chaotic bunch of artists outside the system, not only by circumstances but also by conviction-free in the creative choice of all and United only a wild desire to work".

Shaped some early paintings Dasha Delone often consists of mysterious creatures are depicted with a childlike. It often depicts animals, which she loves. In the project "Not just animals" (2014-2015, Zverev center for contemporary art, Moscow, Russia) Daria Delaunay recognized: "whatever I'm drawing all of my ideas, plans always make their way, through different animals. Take a look". Daria assembled your bestiary: "Keith, revealing the secrets of his belly, the albino of Okello guarding the Golden moon, from frights, the white Swan without, as expected, from the sleeve, diverse fantasy dragons. <...> And it's filled with small surprises: because no matter how we think or guess paintings of Delaunay, each time they discovered new findings" (Marina Sveshnikov,

In 2016, Daria Delaunay and Dmitri Goryachkin create art-группу DaDim and begin joint work. The tone and even the means of statements of the artist change significantly. The group tends to expression in the form of sculpture and touches on important social issues. So, in the joint project "After the Siddur" (2017) they say that the authorities drew attention to "inconvenient" for her art, as in the sixties of the last century: "History has made a revolution, and everything was back. Including the desire by-советски to close on these topics, eyes and push away the deceased sculptor with his dangerous prophecies".

a Bright and interesting project "Who is — prologue, and who — epilogue" group DaDim presented at the Museum M. A. Bulgakov in 2017. The exposition used the principle of dialogue, when paintings and sculptural objects by contemporary artists complement the items from the Museum's collection. Artists-своему revealed images of a bygone era Bulgakov: "Horse with canvas Delaunay materialized in the memorial room. Silhouettes with works goryachkina emerge in the photographs of the permanent exhibition".

In project "Eve" (2017, CTI Fabrika, Moscow) and "the Fish sat on a tree" (2017, Central house of architect, Moscow) Darya immersed in a world of fantasies, dreams and philosophical reflection: "We took the iconic aspects of the Bible as the basic philosophical structure and showed voltage Space Before (in minutes, seconds or hours) before the great event".

Another project DaDim — "Totems, myths, and images" (2020, State Museum of Oriental art, Moscow). It is an exhibition of ceramic vessels with zoomorphic motifs from the collection of the Museum of the East. In its exposition fit Daria's work, Delaunay and Dmitri Goryachkin. Every ancient vessel excavated by archaeologists and presented at the exhibition, they tried to make a sculpture that reflects the "soul" of the vessel. To them so no one else has done.

the work of Delaunay is presented in the Museum of M. A. Bulgakov (Moscow), Vyatka Museum of modern art (Vyatka), the Museum of everything (London), the Museum of modern art in stará ľubovňa (Slovakia), Fonticus City Gallery (Grogan, Croatia), as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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