Art Investment

Person of the week: Natalia Zhernovskaya

The style and technology of photography Natalia Zhernovskoe is a bewildering pearl, born between the wings of the St. Petersburg New Academy and on the pad of Moscow a mysterious knowledge that there is a culture in lace, corsets and ribbons

This is the definition of critic Elizabeth Plavinskaya's creates a very precise image of creativity Natalia Zhernovskoe.

Natalia Zhernovskaya, a well-known photographer-художник was born in 1972 in Moscow. Since childhood, worked in art studios, in 1991, met Timur Novikov, the colorful figure of the Saint-Petersburg art-сообщества, and enrolled in the New Academy of fine Arts (Saint-Петербург) that turned out to be a fateful decision.

In those years in the Moscow artistic environment was dominated by conceptualism as one of the major iconic areas in the arts. At the same time, the St. Petersburg New Academy of fine Arts (NAII) took a course on "classics and beauty" proclaiming the neoacademism direct successor of the traditions of preservation and revival of classical art in the modern world. The main method of the New Academy was the so-called "re-composition", when a classic work to introduce quotes, additional comments and details, resulting in the reinterpretation of the artistic heritage and the transformation of the artwork and the birth of a new product. Photography became a source of inspiration, one of the favorite types of art. Artists-неоакадемисты did not limit themselves to just one practice, they were quite versatile, doing parallel painting, music, photography, directing, acting, etc.

In 1997, among the we also formed the movement "New serious", among them was Georgy Guryanov, Yegor Ostrov, Denis egelsky, Konstantin Goncharov and others, this company has successfully merged and Natalia Zhernovskaya. "The new serious" studied classical languages, explored a forgotten technology, discovering the secrets of the old masters. Favorite observation objects, steel sculpture and architectural ensembles of the Imperial and Stalinist periods — ENEA, squares and palaces of St. Petersburg and others.

Early work Zhernovskoe monochrome, since the beginning of 2000-х years, her works appeared color. The artist paints the pictures manually, changing color, contours by adding missing parts or removing the excess.

an Interesting series of works called "the Walk of the king", created on motives of works by Alexander Benois. Benoit created his own series in the early twentieth century, Natalia Zhernovskaya again returns to this theme in the twenty-first century. The role of the king for this series of photographs was performed by the artist Vladislav Mamyshev-Монро. The series became the embodiment of "the beautiful era".

the we also posed for each other often experience Mamyshev-Монро is not isolated, another style icon, hit the lens of Natalia, was Georgy Guryanov — drummer of the band "Kino", one of the most prominent figures of the "New artists" and neoacademism. His photographs can be found in the archives of the New Academy, including the ancient way of the discus thrower or the Soviet athlete.

the Perception of Soviet aesthetics through classicalheritage has become one of the favorite themes of we also. Passion for large forms with features of monumentality evident in the series of works by Natalia Zhernovskoe as "ENEA" or "the Subway. Station Elektrozavodskaya", in which boys and girls delight in its beauty and article.

Special attention Natalia Zhernovskaya pays the man. She is attracted to the beauty of the human body, its perfection. In a series of photographic works "the Strict Young man" were heroes of classical sculpture, in a series of "Hits" the camera lens followed the stamping system of marching military.

a Series of "Ballet" reflects the amazing beauty of the female body, their sense of rhythm and harmony. Loose composition is very expressive, they have spirituality and plastic beauty. They are reminiscent of the work of Edgar Degas. Here, like the French master, felt the accident, unintentioalness, VEGACONNECT separate episode from the life stream. The culmination of this series, of course, were works included in the exhibition "the Classical tradition in ballet by Roland Petit" (the Museum of New Academy of fine Arts, 2005). The incredible tension inherent in the formulation transferred in the photos. Roland described the performance as a bullfight between two entities: between Herman (Nikolay Tsiskaridze) and the Countess (Ilze Liepa).

Natalia Zhernovskaya — is a participant of many exhibitions both in Russia and abroad. Today she continues to work, is in constant creative search.

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