Auction on June 27 in the "literary Fund" for the most patient and persistent
Two lots for half a million, or a Quick recipe on "how to sell 100% of the catalog"
Another picturesque auction on Wednesday June 27, "Russian enamel" decided to call traditional "Painting, graphics and decorative-прикладного art". It would seem, why not call him almost familiar to the public "All ruble"? The explanation is found in the press-релизе upcoming auction where it was just counted: "169 — on the ruble, one — for half a million," and it's — objective reflection of the whole catalog at once. It really just was 170 lots, and bargaining for 169 of them could start with the ruble, while the penultimate lot could boast estimate: 500-550 thousand.
In the hall for the occasion gathered more than twenty participants, and the Network in the peak moment of the auction was watched 45человек.The event began, as always, at seven in the evening. But the bidding for some lots starting from 1 rouble, as indicated, trailed in increments of 10 rubles, so the auction with such a seemingly compact catalogue was delayed until 21:30! Two and a half hours for 170 lots — is really a lot.
But overall statistics can please: 170 gear was sold to 170 (no wonder the auction began with the ruble), and the honorary 100% catalog auctionette definitely put the white seals. "Literary Fund" was able to gain by selling 6.1 million rubles., that is 160,9 % of the amount of first rates around 3.8 million rubles. Fifteen lots crossed the mark of 100 thousand roubles.
not to mention the correct prediction of the top-10 viewed auction lots: four of them entered the top ten most expensive.
"Catch" among groups of participants were distributed "by-летнему": it turned out that it is not-то just — to find the time in such nice weather. Potamoidea-игроки again in first place by a wide margin — 107 transactions (62,9 %), players on the phone on the second — lot 42 (24.7 per cent), third and fourth places went to part-time rates (12 purchases, or 7.1 %) and participants in the hall (9 purchases, or 5,3 %).
the First ten items in the price rating, however, give a different picture of the auction: four sales really got the Internet, and another three were won over the phone, but the rest won for themselves the parties with absentee bids, making a considerable contribution to the overall statistics.
the Price rating is headed by two of the lot: the graphics of Robert Rafailovich Falk "Street in Samarkand" and the 1943 painting "Portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin" 2014 Igor Tokarev. Both works were in the top five most viewed auction lots. "Portrait" was purchased at the start by absentee rate, but for the lovely landscape Falk argued a little Internet and phone: as a result, he got the last one. Both works were sold for 500 thousand rubles, that is, in fact, press-релиз were not far from the truth: "169 — on the ruble, one — for half a million" became "168 until you run out of patience and two for half a million".
FALK Robert Rafailovich (1886-1958) Street in Samarkand. 1943
Paper, pencil, watercolor, whitewash. 54 × 41,5
the literary Fund. 27.06.2018. Lot 78
selling Price: 500 000 RUB.
litfund.ruTOKAREV Igor (1967) Portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 2014
oil on Canvas. 200 × 110
the literary Fund. 27.06.2018. Lot 169
Estimate: 500 000-550 000.
sale Price: 500 000 RUB.
In second place was the work of the turn of the century: "Portrait of Baron E. Yu. Nolde" (1905) hands of Nicholas Becker fromthe beginning was positioned as the top-лот and the top result is really horrible. For the participants already had to do some fighting. The struggle between the Internet and the absentee rate was fairly long and started with 130 thousand rubles., and over 240 thousand and victory owner absentee bid.
Third at the finish was a sketch in mixed media to the cartoon "return of the prodigal parrot", created in 1986 by artist Anatoly Mikhaylovich Savchenko. It is likely that a sense of nostalgia forced to connect to the marketplace and phone, and virtual participants and players in the Network. The first network rate of 80 thousand quickly interrupted absentee bid at 85K, but he has failed to cope with the phone that got the job for 180 thousand rbl. of the Works of Savchenko at the auction were two, and they were made special emphasis in the pre-auction article: second sketch for the cartoon "Carlson returned" dancing with Bok as the first, was given over the phone for 150 thousand at the first rate of 19 thousand rubles.
SAVCHENKO Anatoly Mikhailovich (1924-2011) Sketch for the cartoon "return of the prodigal parrot". 1986
Paper on cardboard, graphite pencil, ink, pen, tempera. 38,6 × 54,2
the literary Fund. 27.06.2018. Lot 139
selling Price: 180 000 RUB.
Source: litfund.ruSAVCHENKO Anatoly Mikhailovich (1924-2011) Sketch for the cartoon "Carlson has returned". The late 1960-х — beginning 1970-го
Paper on cardboard, mixed technique. 40,6 × 47,2
the literary Fund. 27.06.2018. Lot 121
selling Price: 150 000 RUB.
Rating of price growth from the estimate in this case do not work, and the rating of price growth from the first bids in this auction it's complicated: a lot of what lots of the bargaining really began with the ruble. But the winner is still there — work of Vasily Ivanovich Vikulov "Leningrad. The people's house" 1930-х years. This oil on cardboard, didn't seem to spark much interest prior to the auction, but appetite comes during a meal: with a rate of 1 ruble price after really a long bargaining between the Internet, telephone, and hall has reached 85 thousand RUB From a victory may congratulate the party on the Network.
Separately want to note the sale of fabulous graphics of Pavel Petrovich Ivanov, better known as Paul Mac. His work "On a donkey", made in the style of Oriental miniatures in 1927, though not got to the top, but became the subject of controversy absentee bids, phone and Internet. The auction began with a rate of 4.2 thousand rubles., and the resulting graphics, which would be an ornament to any collection, was given on the phone for 46 thousand.
Completely dismantled the participants and a small set of five icons. The most expensive of them was the icon of "PanagiaHoly mother of God" with 12 stamps, Dating from the mid-nineteenth century. After the first bet, to 36 thousand rubles a fight with the Internet has joined the telephone, and I won the lot for 60 thousand.
In modest decorative string-прикладного art of the six lots, the first was a set of six coffee pairs with the image of a putto, created by the Gardner factory in the late nineteenth century. The entire set went by absentee rate of 36 thousand, killing the initial Internet-ставку 34 thousand.
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