Briefly about the big Anniversary auction brought a "Cabinet" of 62,5 million roubles
Hundredth auction was small, but valiant: 12 lots crossed the million bar
last Tuesday, April 3, "Cabinet" held its one hundredth anniversary auction. A round figure the auction house from the beginning had intended to celebrate with a special scale, and he did it. In the previous auction held on 29 March, it was only training.
Catalogue under the name "Book rarities and desideratum from the private collection" has some serious, although not very large: 237 choice lots, spanning three centuries. It is not surprising that for these rarities were about thirty people in the room, and nearly seventy in the Network.
For such a miniature collection of the duration of bargaining was very impressive: starting a little after 19 hours, the auction lasted up to 23 hours and a quarter, i.e. more than four hours. It was an incredibly difficult bargain for both visitors and employees of the auction house, and yet all the plans scheduled for this evening has been fulfilled.
the Overall results of the auction are as follows: of the 237 lots sold was 194, or 81.8 per cent. With a total average rating the directory at 30.9 million rubles, the auction house gathered 62.6 million, exceeding expectations in two times. Top-10 auction house at this time was renamed top-20. The milestone of 100 thousand RUB over 110 lots, the boundary of 500 thousand. overcame 28, and a million more left 12.
Although traditionally more buy all the players in the Network, this time they unequivocally surpassed the participants on the phone, which made 87 (44.8 per cent) of the purchases, versus 65 (33.5 percent) made online-участниками. Hall was able to block 33 (17 %) of the lot, while absentee bid with 9 (4.7 %) and won lots occupies the last place. Top-20 results were distributed somewhat differently: 13 lots went to telephone the players (including the top five), hall won 5 tops, and over the Internet and via absentee rate was purchased one lot from the most expensive twenty in the evening.
the overall Leader of the rating became a thing unique illustrated manuscript of Alexei Remizov "Scriplet", 1936 10 sheets with three illustrations and a dedication to the French literary scholar and critic Rolland de Reevely and his wife. The album is estimated at 900-950 thousand rubles., but it has attracted several participants, so the bargaining began with absentee bids, ended in victory for the telephone of the player who offered the 5.5 million RUB.
Second place went to the book favorites Boris Pasternak 1948. The book is 160 pages, according to the auction house, was first proposed at a Russian auction, and it immediately became the object of struggle phones and the Internet, which has risen to 5 million rubles exactly.
the Third winner was the two-colored album in leather bindings on the journey Anatoly Demidov of Russia. This edition is defined by the directory Solovyov as "rare", almost able to reach the first two places, but in the end it wassold for 3.8 million rubles. in the evaluation of 600-650 thousand
Honorary fourth and fifth places were taken by Aleksandr Pushkin. All editions of the poet at the auction was six, and they all left for new conferences, as well as in the top five included lots 88 and 82. Number 88 was put up first — 1831 — edition of the tragedy "Boris Godunov", which was used after the release of the very popular. Apparently, since nothing has changed since the book was sold for 2.8 million. Completed the top five ranking of the convolute, which included Pushkin's poem "Poltava" in 1829 and "ed, Finnish tale, and Peers, a descriptive poem" Yevgeny Abramovich Baratynsky 1826. Combined edition cost the new owner to 2.3 million rubles.
[" Ah Yes Pushkin, Ah Yes son of a bitch!"] Pushkin, A. S. Boris Godunov. SPb: In Type. Department Of National Education, 1831. 6, 142 c. 20 × 12.5 cm
the literary Fund. 03.04.2018. Lot 88
Estimate: 1 100 000-1 200 000 rubles.
sale Price: 2 800 000 rubles.
Source:[a Convolute] 1. Pushkin A. S. Poltava, a poem. SPb.: In Type. Of the Department of education, 1829. VII, , 92 c. 2. [The first book] Baratynsky, E. ed, Finnish tale, and Peers, a descriptive poem. SPb.: In Type. Of The Department Of Education, 1826. 8, 56 p. 19,5 × 11.5 cm
the literary Fund. 03.04.2018. Lot 82
Estimate: 950 000-1, 000, 000.
sale Price: 2 300 000 rubles.
Rating of price growth (i.e. the difference between estimate and sale price) is also not lagging behind the General. You should start with the fact that at prices higher than a preliminary estimate, has sold 132 lots.
First place went to the book of 1895 "Types of poems N. Gogol's Dead souls, drawn by the artist Peter M. Boklevsky" with a Foreword by Leonid Belsky and collotypes Otto Renard, which was bought by the party in the hall for 900 thousand rubles., in the evaluation of 18-20 thousand in the calculation of the average estimate of 19 million, it appears that the lot exceeded its estimate of 47 times, but if you count from the bottom — it turns out that altogether 50!
Followed with a large gap from the leader is the work of Ivan Egorovich Zabelin "Kuncova and ancient Setunsky mill. Historical memories" marked with the author's autograph. A special lifetime edition of 1873, which brought joy to all those at the auction not enough pictures, was estimated at 20-22 thousand rubles. But the distance rate from the beginning immediately raised the cost of the lot up to 100 thousand rubles In the end labor "Kuncova and ancient Setunsky mill. Historical memories" for 340 thousand rubles. was sold to buyer by phone, and absentee bid perebrosa, and players in the Network.
[a Special instance with illustrations] Zabelin, I. E. [autograph] Kuncova and ancientSetunsky mill. Historic memories. M.: Publishing K. Soldatenkova; Type. Grachev and Co., 1873.
the results of the auction were so high due to the surprise that the auction house has completed the auction. After the successful sale of the final lot catalog was declared Dutch Auctions: unsold lots have been offered to the public once again, but now the game was not on the increase, and decrease. The price was reduced until, while on the lot were not contenders, and if there were several, the rates began to grow again. Thus has been played 19 lots, 18 of which have successfully sold to new owners. In this part of the most successful was the sale of the three volumes of Esperovich Esper Ukhtomsky "journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the sovereign, the heir to the Throne [Nikolai Aleksandrovich] 1890-1891" with illustrations by Nikolai Nikolaevich Karazin: the triptych, exhibited with the estimate 340-350 thousand RUB, went to the gym for 300 thousand
the auction was over. Applause. Curtain.
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