Art Investment

"All 6 thousand" in "Auction No. 1". The results of the auction

Almost half sold auction catalog brought almost half a million rubles

the proverb says: strike while the iron is hot. Probably this Maxim decided to stick with the leaders of the new Moscow auction "auction No. 1", appointed second commercial auction — "All 6 000" — on June 22, just two weeks after the debut of the auction "Russian, Soviet and Western European art".

the Last auction was from the category, that is, the most affordable: the lower estimate and starting price for all lots was set to the same — 6000 rubles (several lots starts were due to higher absentee rates), the average estimate of 100 lots in the catalogue totaled more than 800 thousand rubles.

Of the 100 lots catalog lot 63 was allocated to the visual arts, but it's the organizers themselves are not restricted: almost a third of all lots was this time decorative-прикладного art and even a small, of the seven lots, the string of posters.

the Catalog played a little less than an hour. Sold 47 out of 100 lots totaling 488,5 thousand rubles. 21 lot 47 of the participants bought on the Internet, 19 — absentee bidder, 5 the lots went to buyers on the phone, and only two deals were made a couple of the most active players of the half dozen people gathered in the hall.

the Lion's share of revenue — 328,5 thousand — has brought the organizers of the 29 lots sold fine art. Some of them left with a significant excess of the starting prices. For example, 6 times higher than the start and almost twice as expensive as the upper boundary estimeyta cost the new owner of the most expensive lot of the auction — frame to the animated film "Magnificent Gosha" artist Inna Wheat. With six thousand start by absentee rate, the figure went in for 36 thousand rubles.

Animation in General was one of the most popular topics of the last bid. Every cartoon a lot, the audience greeted with the same enthusiasm, and everyone went on average twice as high start.

the Painting was sold several more modest. The most expensive painting was the work of Belgian artist Floors, Verberckmoes "Girl in a green skirt" (lot 8), inherited one of the participants in the hall for 20 thousand rubles.

decorative-прикладного art (lots 64-93) sold more than 40 % (in the new owner took 13 lots out of 30) and brought to the Treasury of the organisers of almost 100 thousand rubles. The greatest attention of the audience enjoyed porcelain vases and tea set, but more than anything else in this section was still silver. Pair silver salt shakers decorated with a body of work of Western artists of the first half of the twentieth century cost the new owner on the Internet in the 12 thousand rubles — on the third above the starting absentee bid 8 thousand rubles.

In a string of posters (and even more — printed products, since the hundredth lot is still not a poster, and a couple of pictures) has sold five lots of seven. For the most part — on the phone, often at auction, and all — in the range from 6 to 20 thousand rubles for the lot. The champion posters was lot 95 — campaign poster from 1928, "Remember the families of the prisoners of capital", made after a drawing by Victor Deni. With six thousand of the start of the work was played between multiple players on the Internet and a telephone bidder, who eventually went for 20 thousand rubles.

Despite the name, "the auction house № 1", as shown by the results of the first two trades, yet it has no problem to beat the competition volumes catalogue, a height of the opening price or level of the auction collection. Which, incidentally, is a good idea: niche auctions available to people who are more eager to buy something beautiful, than status, and more for the soul than for capital investment, must not be empty. Whether on the auction house to adhere to this policy —, time will tell. Meantime we can rejoice that our auction market grows so that's unusual and very affordable players.

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